Ch. 22 *Behind Blue Eyes*

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I shut the door behind me.
"Luna," I hang my coat up, "I'm home."

I walk down the hallway which opens up into a small living room with a kitchen beside it.
It's a small house, but it's nice.

Two leather couches with tan walls behind them, a decent size kitchen with stained wooden cabinets and a tiny island in the middle.

A wood stove in the corner on the left side of the living room.
And the outside view are bright Evergreen trees.
I smile softly, before the steps of someone behind me makes me turn.

Luna approaches me, one hand behind her back while the other rests on top of her round, pregnant belly.
"Whoo," she exhales, "this thing is heavy."

I giggle, kissing her on the cheek before touching her stomach.
"I missed you two," I smile, gently running my hand down her stomach before stepping aside for her to sit on the couch.

I sit beside her.
"How was your day?" I ask.
She scoffs, but it's in a joking way. "Well, I had a nice conversation with our baby," she touches her stomach, "then I did some sweeping, and baked a pie. For myself. Not for you."

I laugh again, throwing my arm across her shoulders and crossing my legs.
She leans into my side.

"I can't wait to meet her," I whisper.
"Her?" Luna raises a brow.
I smile. "It's a girl," I kiss her cheek again, lingering there. "I know it is."

She giggles a little, pushing aside some of her long dark hair.
"Any week now," she exhales. I can sense the nervousness in her body language, and the way she exhaled.

I hold her a little tighter. "It'll be okay," I whisper, "I promise..."
She looks at me, those bright eyes staring into my very own soul, leaving me breathless.

"I love you," she whispers.
I smile. "I love you too."
Suddenly, she stands up and goes to the kitchen.
And I am face to face with my reflection.

I look... different.
My hair isn't long.
I'm not wearing my patch jacket.
I look mature.
I look...more human.


I gasp awake, lifting myself off the arm of the couch I seemed to have passed out on.
I look around my surroundings, searching for that house I was in, searching for Luna.

Nothing is in sight.
I'm in the cave, with Dwayne and Paul passed out by the broken fountain.
David isn't here.

My heart is beating out of my chest.
What the hell was that?

It was a dream?
I lick my lips that just went desert dry, trying to comprehend everything that I just saw.

I wasn't who I am right now.
I was older. I was, human.
And Luna...
My eyes widen.

She was my wife.
My pregnant wife...

I throw my hands over my mouth before an impulse pushes me off the couch and makes me run out of the cave to my moterbike.
I need some air. I need to clear my head. Right now


After twenty minutes of fast driving, I pulled off the road and parked in the only spot that I know.

I climb off my bike and walk forward into the dark forest, hands in my pockets while my mind races.
For anyone else, they would feel scared out here.

But not me.
That's just the vampire...but to be honest, I think I was like this long before I became a vampire.

I found comfort in the alone.
Found safety in the dark.

I sigh, taking a seat under a willow tree that blows in the wind, it's branches making music to my ears.
I rest my head on my hand.

I replay the dream in my head over and over again, searching for the answers I can't seem to find.
My feelings for Luna have only gotten stronger.
The more we've hung out, the more I'm realizing that I...

I see her smile in my head, the one smile she gives to anyone and everyone.
It haunts me.

The smile that I see behind my blue eyes when I close them.
I never thought that this would happen to me.
To me, of all people...

My mother passed away when I was younger. And my dad was an acholic, abusive, monster.
He was the one who killed her.
He killed her spirit.
And from so many beatings she had to take, her body became weak.

And when I turned five, she passed away.
I had to live with that monster until I turned ten years old.
I couldn't take his abuse anymore.

I ran away and became a street rat.
So many moments, I almost died. Either from weather conditions, starvation, or suicide.

But nobody fluttered at eyelid at me.
No one cared about that little boy.
And soon, my faith in humanity faded.
Soon, I began to see everyone the same.
And I hated them all for it.

I saw in strangers the faces of those who turned a blind eye to the poor bruised child whose dad kicked his ass for spilling a glass of water.
The faces of those who scoffed at me as I pleaded for just a bite of food.

I hated humans.
All I wanted was to be something different, I wanted to forget who I was...
But unlike David, Paul, and Dwayne, sadly I did not forget my past.

Something held me back.
And honestly, I think it was the child version of me that kept me from forgetting.

I was 18 when I drank the bottle.
And that was 20 years ago...
If I was human, I'd be 38 years old right now...
Or I would be dead.

My dad is dead though.
He died ten years ago from too much acholo.
Good riddance to bad trash...

I run my hands down my face.
For years, I've hated humans.
Until I met Luna.
She made me see that there is some good left in this world.
That there are people who are gentle, kind, compassionate.

She's amazing.
She's shined a light in my dark, lonely world.
She made me realize that I was wrong.
And she's my Mate...

My Mate...

I look up into the full moon above me.
I've fallen in love with Luna.
And having that dream made me realize it.

I can't live in this world without her.
She's my Mate, my love.

(Shout-out to JamieWood821 for coming up with the idea for this chapter!!!)

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