Ch. 33 *Head Vampire*

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Luckily, Michael was able to pin point Max's house because he's been there before with his Mom.

Our only hope is that he's actually home...
I squeeze Marko's waist, laying my head on his back.
My heart is pounding out of my chest, knowing we're about to face the strongest vampire.

Stronger than David, who nearly killed me and Star...
I shudder, before I feel Marko's hand fall on my arm wrapped around his waist.

I glance up at his head of curly blond hair.
"It's going to be okay," he says, raising my hand to kiss my knuckles gently. "I promise."

Instinct has me turning to look at Michael and Star who drive beside us.
Star's in the exact same position as me, head on Michael's back, while she stares at me.

She smiles softly, but I can see the fear in her eyes.
She's scared of the Head Vampire, scared to lose herself to the fate she was put into, scared to never be able to see me or her family again.

I will make sure that won't happen.
I nod at her, my way of telling her that we will succeed, and she nods back.

Sooner then I wanted, we arrive at our destination.
We all get off and group up.

"Okay," Marko says, "we don't know what to expect from the Head Vampire. But be sure to know that he's ten times stronger then David."

Star and I shudder.

"If we work together, we can do this," Marko hands us each two stakes, "remember, drive the stake through his heart, and we win." He glances at all of us, "it's going to be over soon."

We all throw hands in, doing a one, two, three, count before we say BREAK, and begin to walk across the bridge that leads to Max's house.

I trail behind Star and Michael, and Marko notices.
"Luna? You good?"
"Yeah, I..." I trail off, swallowing. "Marko, if something were to happen to me, I-"

"No," Marko cuts in sternly, "don't talk like that."
I sigh. He can't deny this conversation, anyone of us could die tonight, or we could all live to tell the tale, but he needs to know this if I were to die.

He needs to know how I feel.

I take his hands in mine, brushing my thumbs against his skin.
He stares at me.

"Whatever happens, I want you to know that... you've given me the best months of my life," I raise a hand and cup his cheek, "you are so amazing, and any girl in the world would be so lucky to have you. And chose me."

He leans into my touch.
"So I want you to know that, if I don't live tonight...I love you," I whisper, "I love you so much."
"Luna..." He takes my hand and squeezes it. "I love you, too."

I smile softly, before Star calls for our names.
Instinct has us both running to them, only to find Michael and Star hiding in the bushes in front of Max's house, waving us over.

We take our seats, and stare through Max's window, where we see a light on.
But no movement.

The suspense has me on the edge, holding my breath, my heart pounding out of my chest.
I don't know how long we wait, ten, twenty minutes?

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