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(Originally, I wasn't going to write another bonus chapter, but I thought of this, and figured that I should😁
Unlike the others, this is a special bonus chapter in David's POV. Readers will see here a glimpse into his human life two years after the death of the Head Vampire)

*Two years later*

The alarm clock buzz offs on my nightstand, pulling me out of my deep slumber.
I groan softly, lifting my head off my pillow, eyes halfway closed as I blindly reach to shut the alarm clock off.

I smack it, and then it's silent.
Another day.
I get up, stretching before I climb out of bed and head for the shower.

I'll admit, being human again has it's advantages.
I get to shower, get out and do things in the daytime, and not hide from anyone.

It's alright, living out in Santa Barbara, it's calm, peaceful, and no real drama going on.
I moved out here a few months back, after saving up for two years.

I knew I couldn't stay with Dwayne forever, he himself had things on his plate. His mortgage, a new girlfriend, and possibly her moving in.
So I knew that was the time to leave.
And why I chose Santa Barbara, was because of someone buried here.

The older me would've been scared, hiding my emotions with a mask.
But not the newer version of me.

Now, I'm confident. Stronger then I used to be.
Thanks to Luna, she was the one who opened my eyes after all.

After killing Max, my immortal curse was lifted.
Now, I can finally breathe again.

I step out of the shower, towel drying my hair as I walk to my sock cabinet.
There's a black and white photo in a frame, and when my eyes meet the ones in the picture, I stop.

I reach and grab the frame, staring at her gorgeous face.

(This is what Caroline looks like!👇)

I sigh softly, finger delicately running down her face

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I sigh softly, finger delicately running down her face.
My beautiful girl. My love...my soul...
I shut my eyes, tears streaming down my face.

*Memory flashback*

"Come on David! I want to make it to the top before the sun sets!"
Caroline, in her white skirt and her black and white polka dot shirt runs up the trail, laughter echoing throughout the forest.
I however, linger behind, breathing uncontrollably, out of breath as I stagger my way up to her.
Jesus she chose THIS activity as our honeymoon?
She could've chosen Hawaii for gods sake!
And yet, here we are, in Santa Barbara, hiking up the five mile Santa Barbara lookout.
I stop, my heart feeling like it's about to explode.
"Ju-ju-just give me a second," I stutter, "I- I gotta-"
Caroline runs back to me. "Come on!" She takes my hand, pulling me up the hill as I drag my feet, making it hard on her.
"Carrie, honey," I sigh, "do we HAVE to do this?"
"Yes!" She says, determined, the same determination she had when she put up with my alcohol addiction.
I almost yank my hand away, to tell her that I'm not gonna do it, but she turns around, her eyes meeting mine.
My heart stops.
She smiles, that bright smile that leaves me breathless.
"Do it for me," she whispers, cupping my cheek in her soft hand.
I can't deny her.
I take a deep breath in, saying no to my burning feet and aching knees, pushing myself up that hill with my overly energized wife ahead of me.
Twenty minutes pass, and we make it.
"Isn't this great?!" She says, laughing as she pushes her hair aside before her eyes widen. "Look!"
I stare ahead, at the small town of Santa Barbara, and the gorgeous golden sun setting behind it.
The light reflects off all the metal, making it sparkle intensively.
My eyes widen.
She glances at me, taking my hand. "Wasn't that worth it?" She asks.
I look at her.
She has the biggest smile on her face, the brightest eyes.
This...was worth it.
I nod. "Seeing your happy face was worth it," I brush a thumb against her cheekbone, and she giggles pushing my hand away.
Caroline sits down, and I sit beside her, wrapping my arms around her, pulling her in a long embrace.
We've been together for five years, but two days ago, we finally tied the knot.
The silver rings on our fingers are proof of that.
Caroline glances up at me. "So."
I look at her. "So?" I ask.
"So!" She pushes me, and I laugh. "We need to think of a future here!"
"Future?" I laugh, "honey, shouldn't we think about the present first?"
"Nope," she shakes her head, "we need to get a bigger house, that way, we can have a baby."
"A baby?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. We've been married for two days and she already wants a baby?
"Yes," she nods, her smile brightening even more. "Can you imagine? A little baby in our arms," she looks down at her arms as if she's holding a baby now. "We need to make that happen."
"Yeah, but..." I trail off, "you aren't worried about anything? About, maybe the baby not being happy? Or worried about how we'll take care of it?"
"No," she says, which surprises me.
"Why?" I ask, before she rests her head on my shoulders.
"Because we can do anything when we set our mind to it," she whispers, "as long as we're together, we have nothing to worry about."
"Caroline..." I breathe out, laughing just a little.
This woman...what did I do to deserve her?
After all the shit I put on her, she still took me as her husband.
It both makes me want to cry and scream in joy.
She glances up at me. "Are you crying?" She laughs a little, bringing a hand to wipe my eyes. "Why are you crying? This is supposed to be a happy moment!"
"I am happy," I say, wiping my uncontrollable tears that makes me look like a fool. "I just... can't believe you're my wife."
She reaches up and cups my face. "And I couldn't have asked for a better husband," she whispers.
God...this woman.
I laugh, before I pull her into a deep kiss.
She pulls away after a moment, "we're going to have an amazing life together, David," she whispers, holding my hands.
I know we are.
I knew it from the moment we slipped our rings on, that our lives would be amazing.
Nothing will ever stop that...
I smirk, before I sweep her off the ground, lifting her into the air.
"Wha-" she screams, laughing, "David!"
"You said you wanted a baby?" I ask, running down the trail. "Then let's go!"
She laughs hysterically, arms wrapped around me to keep from falling off.
The sun finishes setting behind us as we run down the trail, back to our car.

*End of flashback*

I sigh, dropping to the floor, head hung low in depression, shame, and pain.
I honestly thought...that after marrying Caroline, nothing bad would ever happen to me again.

That I would forever be happy with her by my side.
That she and I would be parents to little kids.
That we would grow old and die together.

But it was I who practically handed her her death...
I raise my hands to my face, crying into my palms.
"I'm so sorry, Caroline..."

I inhale a sharp breath, lifting myself off the ground, touching her photo one last time.
"Time to do something I should've long ago," I whisper, kissing her photo before I grab my jacket and head out the door.


After a long days of work, I drove to the cemetery.
A weird place to be, I know, but I have someone here waiting for me.


I climb up the hill, searching for her tombstone.
And then I find it.
The only tombstone under the Ash tree.
I exhale softly, taking a knee in front of it.

"Hi Caroline, it's me, David."
I speak as if she's actually here, in the flesh in front of me.
But she's not.
She's underneath me. Buried under dirt and stone.
A funeral that I was not apart of.

I sigh. "I'm sorry for not visiting you," I say, "after everything that happened the night you died...was crazy."
I inhale a breath. "I drank the rest of the bottle I gave you, thinking that I'll die too. But instead, I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I...turned into a vampire."

"Unbelievable, I know," I point out, "but it's true. Then, for 40 years, I lived the life of a vampire. Until a 16 year old girl killed the Head Vampire, and set me free."
I bite my lip, tears streaming down my face.

"I'm doing good now. I got a steady job, and have a decent sized apartment, but I miss you," I touch her tombstone, "I'm so sorry, for everything that I did. I-I didn't know that it would kill you," I croak, sobbing, "I only wanted to heal you. I wanted to live my life with you. Have a child, grow old, but I only ended up destroying it."

I wipe my eyes, staring at her engraved name on the stone.
"I know it's hard, but I only pray that you forgive me," I whisper, "please forgive me Caroline..."

I stand up, blowing her gravestone a kiss.
"Rest in peace," I whisper, "I love you."
I turn around, hands in my pockets as I walk down the trail back to my car.

I get in, start it, and sit there.
I think about all my memories with her...
Deep down, even after what I did...
She would forgive me.

It was her nature to forgive, to live life to the fullest, to never, ever let anyone bring her confidence down.
That's why I fell in love with her.

I fell in love with her confidence, her witty remarks to everything.
She saved me...from myself. From the dark depths of alcohol.
She...is the reason why I am alive today.

I sigh, looking up at her gravestone one more time, raising a hand and touching the window between us.
"I'll see you again, Carrie," I whisper, blowing a kiss before I drive for home.

We'll be together again soon, Caroline.
I promise.


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