Ch. 10 *I Was Worried About You*

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*One Week Later*

As I suspected, my parents were absolutely horrified and furious at me.
I guess I didn't come home until 2:00 in the morning, only to wake them up and for them to see the giant cut on my head.

They rushed me to the hospital, and the doctor examined it.
To be honest, I expected him to not react like this, but he did.

*Memory flashback*

"Did you smear this on your wound?" The doctor asks, confusion on his face as his gloved fingers linger near my wound.
I furrow my brow. "Smear what?"
"This...salve," he takes some off for me to look at, "it's an herbal blend. Some herbs being the strongest antibacterial and pain reliever know in the organic world." He makes a sound in the back of his throat. "Whoever did this must know a lot about plants."

*End of flashback*

Clever Star...clever, clever Star.
Of course she would've know what herbs to apply, and how much amounts to put in.
It was our mother who taught us about plants. How to use there leaves either for tea or for cuts, and how to grind the roots and take the right amount of anything and everything.

Star paid more attention to the details then I did though. So I only remember half of what Mom taught us. I was always to busy, eyes focused on the butterflies on flowers, or worms crawling through the damp soil.

But beside that, I was grounded.
Now, being one week later, I'm finally free to run around and be a teen again.
My punishment was supposed to be longer, but it was Dad who convinced Mom that I'll be alright.
I lied to them about my head, saying I tripped over a rock in the sidewalk.
And I still haven't told them about Star.

Dwayne's words keep repeating in my head when I feel like telling them, and immediately my tongue is tied.
And to be honest...what if Star deep down doesn't want to come back home?

It pains me honestly to think about it, but...I need to remind myself that I at least have her.
I haven't seen my sister since that night I found her, and today I'll FINALLY be able to see her again!

David gave me permission to go whenever I please, but I feel a little awkward for barging in unannounced.
They don't have a phone that I can call, so that's tricky.

I exhale softly, walking down the path of the boardwalk. It's around noon time, so I'm hoping I'll be able to find Michael or Sam. They're usually around at this time.
I ran out of them that night of the concert, and I wanted to apologize to both of them for my rude behavior.

I know Michael works during the weekdays, but maybe he has a day off?
I bet I know where I can find his brother though.

I turn and head into the comic shop. I see three boys leaning over the counter, whispering at each other. They're huddled close to each other, like they don't want anyone to hear what they're saying.

Jesus... they're probably talking about something perverted.

I approach them from behind. "Excuse me?"
They jump a little, like I scared them, and Sam's eyes go wide.
Edgar's face hardens, and Alan stares in silence.

"Hey Sam, it's Luna."
"H-hey, Luna," he waves quickly before shoving his hand in his pocket. "What's up?"
Hmm...why so nervous?
Yep. I think my assumption is right.
They're talking about something they're aren't supposed to be.

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