Ch. 6 *The Dark Haired Girl*

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I told Mom and Dad that their was a concert going on at the boardwalk, and I asked if I could go.
Dad agreed instantly, but Mom was hesitate.

"Are you sure it's wise? It'll be night-time, there will be people everywhere. I just don't know..."

"Let her be a teenager, Maria. She'll be perfectly fine."

It's funny. When it comes to parents, it's always the other way around.
It's the dad's who worry about there daughters, and the mom's telling them that they'll be okay.
So why are mine the exact opposite?

I pull up the parking lot and stop, getting off and straightening my outfit. A black shirt with some charms attached to the sides, and a long sleeve belly shirt.
I wanted to look nice for tonight. Knowing that Michael would most likely be there...

I've talked with him, and have seen him multiple times in the three weeks I've lived here. He's had to fix my bike once already (he works at the local mechanic shop run by a middle aged family man)

To be honest, I enjoy Michaels company. He's funny, charming, and a little handsome.
I blush a bright red as I run into the huge crowd of people, all here to see the concert.
It's surprisingly a HUGE crowd, which is a little overwhelming.
I'm not used to this many people...

I have to push past a few of them to go towards the middle, where Michael and Sam stand by a barrel that's on fire.
Sam's dressed in his colorful attire, but Michael wears a grey T shirt with a brown coat over it.

I smile. "Hey!" I wave, running up to there side.
Michael turns and smiles. "Luna!"
Sam glances at me, and nods just a little before going back to watch the concert.
I stand to Michael's right side, and I'm instantly dancing. I can't help it! This song so far has a great vibe!

Michael laughs at me a little, but soon he's dancing as well. Not as fast as I am though, he's more of bobbing his head, whereas I'm swinging my arms and spinning in circles.
I haven't had this much fun in years, if I'm being honest.

This town has it ups and downs, but so far everything is alright.
I've made friends, I got a job at a Flower shop, and I get to go to the beach.
So far, everything is going okay.

I grab Michael's hand and I swing his arms around. He's laughing his butt off, trying to follow my moves, but failing terribly.
Sam stares at us like we're the gross, lovey dovey type that's always clingy.
Is that how we appear to everyone around us?
Hopefully not.

"Seriously guys? Do that somewhere else," Sam finally sighs.
"We're just dancing," I say through a laugh, exhaustion coming over me from dancing through two songs straight.

Sam rolls his eyes, but Michael messes with his hair, which totally upsets him.
"Mike! It took me an hour to do this!"
I laugh until my sides hurt and I'm clutching at them in a desperate attempt to keep them from breaking apart.

A few more songs play, and when my energy comes back, I continue to dance.
Until accidentally I bump into someone behind me.

"Oh!" I say extremely embarrassed, "I'm so sor-"
I stop dead in my tracks. The rest of my sentence is right there, at the tip of my tongue, but I can't speak. I can't breathe...
I'm absolutely...frozen.

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