Ch. 31 *Preperation*

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With enough persuasion, and lies about who Marko and Star are, I managed to get Edgar and Alan to follow us to Michael's house.

Edgar immediately had his suspicions when it came to Marko, but I convinced him that me and Marko are humans, and that we stumbled into the vampires cave and disrupted them, leading to them chasing after us.

Though the truth is far darker.

We pull up to Michael's house, and I climb off with Edgar and Alan behind me, dressed in there army green with stakes tied behind there backs, and black face paint over there eyes.

I run up the doorsteps, looking at Marko as he holds my still asleep sister.
I can't stop panicking over her.

The door opens, and it's Michael.
This was our only chance...
And by now, the sun is reaching it's peak.
If he refuses, we're seriously screwed.

"Luna? He looks at me, before his eyes widen when he sees Star.
I push past him, leading Marko inside and telling him to go upstairs and put Star on a bed.

"Luna what is going on?!" Michael shouts right when Sam runs downstairs with his dog Nanook by his side.
I glance between the two of them. "Guys please, we need your help."

"What the fuck is this about Luna?!" Michael shouts, a fury taking over his face that I've never seen before.
Where do I begin to tell this story without sounding like a complete idiot?

I sigh, and start from the beginning.
I tell Michael everything, about how Star is really my sister, about how The Lost Boys are vampires, and that David is coming after us.

The whole time, Michael looks like he wants to laugh in my face, but he keeps his lips shut tight.
Sam's eyes widen. "Mike," he grabs his brothers arm, "she's one of them!"

"No I'm not!" I shout, before remembering that Star is upstairs.
I don't wait for Sam to argue with me, I run up the steps, Michael hot on my heels.

I push open the door, seeing Star laying on her back on Michael's bed, eyes closed shut.
She looks like Princess Aurora... asleep, waiting for something or someone to come and wake her up from her curse.

I approach Marko. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," he nods, hands reaching up and grabbing my arms, "are you?"
"Kind of," I whisper, hugging him tightly.

This whole entire time has been... chaotic.
If I could rewind time, I would have taken action sooner, before Star could lose more pieces of herself to this god-damn curse that should be a myth.

I would have changed everything.

Michael falls to Star's side, his hand reaching up to brush aside her hair. "What's wrong with her?" He looks at me, panic written all over his face.

That's when I see the love in his eyes.
Love, for Star.

"She's dying," I say, the words making me break down in sobs, fighting to keep a scream in.
His eyes widen. "What do you mean she's dying?! Do something!"

"There's nothing we can do," Marko says, his arm tightening around my waist comfortingly.
I wipe my eyes, shuddering. "There way. But," I look at Marko, and he looks at me.

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