Ch. 3 *Boardwalk*

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Wow... surprisingly, for being a weekday, it's really crowded.
The lines for all the rides are way too long, so basically, I'm stuck wandering around until my two hours are up.

Though I did go on the carousel and ate two ice creams, which was pretty fun.
Now though, I'm dodging people and staring at all the booths and stores.
A couple minutes ago, I found this gorgeous seashell necklace that was only $5.00 dollars.

It made me think of Mom, to be honest.
So I pulled out my leftover change and bought it for her. Now, all I have left is 3 cents.

I walk past a family of four, and I stop dead in my tracks seeing them.
It's a Mom and Dad, with two twin daughters.
The girls are holding hands, walking beside there parents, trying to talk to them, but there words aren't understandable.

My heart breaks.

Dad used to be big on family hikes, and whenever we would reach a steep hill, Star would hold my hand to help keep me going.

"Just hold my hand, Luna. We're gonna make it to the top together..."

I exhale deeply. No, don't think about this. Not right now.
Quickly, I turn right and head into what appears to be a comic store.
Hmm, I wonder what they got for comics? Most likely DC, or Marvel.

I've never really read them, but I need something to distract myself from the thoughts of my sister.

I walk down the three aisles, staring at all the comic books, some of which are totally misplaced.
There's a man and woman in the corner passed out with the TV on, and I can't help but giggle.

Still, whose running this place?

I walk around for a couple minutes more, not noticing the figure staring at me from behind.
Or the one stacking comics ahead of me.

Suddenly, someone appears beside me.
I glance at him. He looks my age, 16, wearing a camo green shirt and dark colored jeans with a red headband tied around his forehead.

He doesn't say anything, he only stares.
"Um...hi?" I say, a little hesitant.
He doesn't answer.

I slowly move to the other side, only to be faced with yet another guy, but this one wearing an Airborne T shirt, and with darker hair then the other.
They both keep following me.

"Need something?" I ask, trying to avoid making eye contact with these guys.
"Just scoping out your wardrobe," the headband wearing one says.
I furrow my brow, glancing at my outfit. "Oh?" I tug at my dark blue skirt with the sun and moon stitched on. "Cute, isn't it?"

"For a fashion victim," the other one says, folding his arms.
"Listen, if you're looking for the Health Food Market, it's on Main Street."

I scoff, folding my arms as well and tilting my head. "Where did you get your clothes? Spirit Halloween?" I ask, a hint of smartass sinking in my tone.
They both glare at me.

I turn away from them to leave, but they both run in front of me. "Where the hell are you from?"

"Leavenworth Washington," I bite, glancing at how they are on each side of me, keeping me from leaving. "What seems to be the problem boys?"

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