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I winced as Trey ran into the small room I shared with Ryan.

"Come on, we've got a job to do." He said, causing Ryan and I to look at each other.

Ryan and I were twins, and we were 16. We'd just celebrated our birthday in March. Trey was our older brother by a few years, he was twenty two. He was always getting into trouble. Now it seemed like he wanted us to help him.

"Trey, I don't know. What if we get caught?" I asked him uncertainly, pulling my dirty blonde hair into a ponytail.

Trey laughed derisively. "You won't get caught. You two can't stay here with Mom forever. You need to make something of yourselves." Trey stated, glancing between Ryan and I.

"This isn't making something of ourselves, Trey. It's grand theft auto." I countered, but Trey only rolled his eyes.

"What about you, Ry?" Trey asked.

Ryan's eyes went wide and he glanced at me. I sent him a look warning him to say no.

Just then, I heard my mom's voice yelling and then a man yelling. Ugh. Her sleazy boyfriend, A.J.

They were always fighting, and if he wasn't fighting her, he was messing with Ryan and I.

He hated the fact that we lived here, even though we barely took up any space. We only had our small room and barely had any clothes since Mom sold them all any time she needed money.

"Fine. We'll go." Ryan said suddenly as A.J. walked past our room.

"Yeah, you better go. You three stay gone, you hear?" A.J. said as we walked past him.

I sighed as we made it outside and began to walk down the street. We lived in Chino, which wasn't exactly the nicest part of California.

Ryan and I had been in our fair share of fights at Chino High School, which always pissed our mother off. Mostly because she had to take a break from drinking to come and get us.

"Come on, the car's this way." Trey said as we made it farther down the street.

I saw the car then, a small shiny black car.

I approached the car slowly, still nervous about this. Trey held up a crowbar and I winced.

"I'm your big brother. If I don't teach you this, who will?" Trey asked, smashing the window.

"I don't know, Trey." I said, taking a step back.

"Ally, quit being a little bitch and get in!" Trey said. Ryan glanced at me before climbing into the passenger seat.

I climbed into the car, against my better judgement. Trey hotwired the car and we made it a few miles up the road when I heard sirens.

"No, no, no, no!" Trey yelled.

"Shit! Trey, pull over!" I yelled, but Trey wasn't listening. He tried to outrun the cops, but he only ended up crashing it. I winced as my head hit the window, and then I saw the blue and red lights.

"Put your hands up! On the dash where I can see them." I heard outside the window. I raised my hands in the air. What had we gotten ourselves into?


It was the next day when I was called from my cell at the juvenile detention center. I walked down the long hallway and was happy to see Ryan also being led out.

We'd been separated upon arrival, and I had been worried about him all night.

"Ally, you alright?" He asked me and I nodded. "You?" I asked him.

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