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I walked into school with Ryan and Seth.

"Hard to believe it but spring is here." Seth told us and I nodded. "Yeah, this year's going by so fast."

"Yeah and you know I gotta say, this year..not as good as the last." Seth told us.

"You think?" Ryan asked him.

"I do, I mean look, we all tried some new things and that was fun. Um, yard guys, Illegitimate daughters, water polo players-"

I glanced at him for his allusion to Zach and continued for him. "Tattooed bar managers.."

"Yeah, uh, less fighting, more live music."

"Well, maybe you remember last year as better because it was all new." Ryan told Seth.

"So you think I've sentimenalized the past all out of proportion?"

"Well, I mean we can't keep living in last year, Seth. At least we're together again. That makes it a good year." I told him with a smile.

"And you know what would make it a great year, though? If things went back to the way they were, you know. And you know what's coming up. The Harbor school pep rally bonfire."

Seth gestured to a banner that was being hung that announced the bonfire.

"Come on, you could use a little pep, couldn't you? Especially if you invited-"

"Don't say it." Ryan said quickly.

"But it would be so last year though."

"There is nothing going on with me and Marissa." Ryan stated.



I didn't necessarily believe Ryan, but I wasn't going to say anything.

"So, there's just no feelings there whatsoever, you couldn't care less?"

"It's not about that, besides she's clearly already taken." Ryan stated, looking over to where Marissa was stepping out of Alex's jeep.

"I don't know I don't see any chemistry there. Maybe we should ask them to kiss, real slow."

I smacked Seth on the arm for that comment as Marissa walked up to us.



"Couldn't help but notice the bonfire banner." Seth stated.

"Oh, don't talk to me about that. It's been so stressful, I can't even find someone to design the bonfire." Marissa told him.

Seth immediately glanced at Ryan and I gave him a look.

"But you three are coming right?" Marissa asked us.

"Uh, I don't know it's a pep rally.."

"Yeah, a bonfire pep rally. We'll be there." Seth said to her.

"Okay, cool, well I'm gonna be late." Marissa stated, going to walk away.

"Hey, Ryan you're going the way of the lockers and classrooms, why don't you walk her? Might be a nice gesture." Seth suggested and I glanced at him, not impressed with his matchmaking. Ryan didn't look too impressed either, but Marissa smiled at him. "Thanks."

"Live in the now Seth." Ryan muttered before going to walk with Marissa.

"Seth, are you sure you should be trying to get them together? I mean we've lived through enough of their pain and suffering."

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