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I walked into the kitchen to see the counter was covered with food. There were eggs piled onto three plates along with a bowl of berries and a plate of some sort of meat. Kirsten was dishing food onto the three plates and looked up when I walked in. 

"Good morning." She said with a smile and I grinned at her.

"Good morning. It looks great." I told her, grabbing my plate and heading to the table. Seth and Ryan walked in after me and immediately weren't as generous as me. They went straight for the cereal or bagels, which we were conveniently out of. Kirsten made them sit down with their plates though and I gave them both a warning look to be nice about the food. Sure, Kirsten wasn't the world's best cook, but at least she was trying. It was more than my mother had ever done. 

I looked up from my plate as Sandy walked into the kitchen.

"Something smells... fancy."

"Have a seat, there's plenty." Kirsten told him. Sandy looked at the food again and then back at Kirsten. 

"Oh no thanks, I'll just grab a bagel and schmear it to go."

I heard the phone ring in the distance and Sandy went to answer it. 

"Hello, oh Dr. Kim, thanks for getting back to me." Sandy stated then looked over and noticed the three of us looking at him. He left to talk in the living room and Seth turned to Kirsten.

"Dr. Kim, as in Principal Dr. Kim." 

"Oh, she's probably just confirming our reservation for the college fair tonight." Kirsten stated nonchalantly.

I glanced at Ryan, who looked as if he didn't believe her. Honestly neither did I. 

Sandy walked back in then and I looked up. 

"They don't want me there tonight, do they?" Ryan asked and Sandy sighed. 

"No, Harbor's only hosting and it's a public event. Dr. Kim says there is no reason why you can't attend. So what do you say, you three meet us back here and we'll head over?"

"Sounds good to me." Seth said, standing up, then glanced at me. "Ally, are you ready?"

I looked away from Ryan and nodded, standing up. "Yeah. Bye, Ry. I'll see you later."

Ryan nodded, but I hated seeing the disappointed look on his face as Seth and I walked out.


"Ally, look. I bet I can guess who she's texting." Summer stated, gesturing to where Taylor Townsend sat not far from us, giggling as she looked at her phone. 

"I bet it's the dean." I said, not attempting to hide my disgust. Dean Hess was definitely abusing his power- in more ways than one. 

"If Taylor isn't stopped, who knows how far she'll take her evil agenda.." Summer muttered and I sighed. 

"Especially now that she's got the dean in her pocket."

Seth, who had just sat down beside me, glanced at Summer and I unconvinced. 

"Look, I love a good scandal more than anybody, but there's nothing going on between Taylor Townsend and Dean Hess."

"I saw what I saw." I told him.

"Yeah in a dark hallway, during the middle of a rage blackout. Isn't it possible you saw what you wanted to see?"

"No one wants to see that. Trust me, I was there." Summer added.

Taylor walked past us then with a huge smile on her face and I glanced at Summer. Summer looked at me and I knew we were thinking the same thing. We both stood up and Seth looked at me. "Where are you going?"

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