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I couldn't believe that time was going so quickly. It felt like yesterday we were starting school at Harbor and now it was Thanksgiving.

Kirsten had an entire meal planned, which shocked me, considering dinner was mostly take-out.

I walked downstairs to find Seth, Ryan Sandy and Kirsten in the kitchen surrounded by food.

"Mom, mom, put those away." Seth told her as she glanced at the recipes in front of her.

I walked up to Seth as Kirsten shook her head. "No, this is Ally and Ryan's first Thanksgiving in the house and we're going to have a homecooked meal!"

"Dad, where's the take out menus?" Seth asked Sandy, who looked like he was considering finding them.


"You sure you wanna do this, honey?" Sandy asked Kirsten, who gave him a look.

"Mom, no, you are not ruining Thanksgiving!" Seth said and I nudged him.


"Who said we're ruining anything?" Kirsten asked him.

"Mom, I wait for this event every year, you know Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday."

"Our family was never really into the holidays." Ryan muttered and I glanced over at him. Memories of our mom drunk on the couch during Christmas drifted through my mind.

"All the more reason to make this special." Kirsten said. I smiled at her slightly. It was nice what she was trying to do, but I didn't want her to overwhelm herself.

"Um, are there pans? Are there pans anywhere?" Kirsten asked, looking at each of us.

"You're not inspiring a lot of confidence, honey." Sandy told her.

"You know what I dream about when I dream about Thanksgiving-which is often- I dream about eating so much deliciousness that I pass out at the table. Please don't deny me that!" Seth pleaded to Kirsten and I rolled my eyes at him.

"That's just weird." Ryan told him, and I grinned.

"So I guess we should start with the turkey." Kirsten said, who now had a pot in her hand and was holding the turkey up uncertaintly.

"Awe, just like she held you as a baby." Sandy told Seth and I laughed. "That makes a lot of sense actually." I told Seth, who nudged me.

"Sandy, hmm I guess we should start basting?" Kirsten asked uncertaintly.

"I'll tell you what, I'll baste." Sandy volunteered, taking the pot and the turkey from Kirsten.

"And the cranberries..."

"I'll do it, big fan of the cranberry!" Ryan said, grabbing the cranberries and dish from her.

"Well then, I'll peel the potatoes."

Seth and I glanced at each other before walking over to her.

"No, Ally and I've got it." Seth told her, grabbing the bag of potatoes.

I began to peel a potato, and looked over at Seth who was carefully peeling one, which nearly made me laugh.

"Well what am I supposed to do?" Kirsten asked us.

"Set the table!" Sandy suggested.

"Yeah, setting the tables very important." Seth spoke up.

The phone rang and Kirsten glanced back. "How about I get the phone?"

"Yep, or you can answer the phone, it's not gonna answer itself." Seth told her.

Kirsten nodded and walked to the other room to answer the phone. After a few seconds she walked back into the room.

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