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I walked towards Lindsay who I saw sitting by herself at one of the tables on the quad. "Hey."

"Oh, hey Ally."

I smiled at her, then noticed two familiar faces peering at each girl that walked by.

"Are they really doing this?" I asked in exasperation. Lindsay looked confused but I gestured to Ryan and Seth and she made a face.

"Come on." She said, hopping up. I followed after her and we walked up to Seth and Ryan.

"Are you two really shopping for girlfriends in the quad?"



"Classy." I said sarcastically, trying to hide the fact that it sort of hurt to see Seth looking for someone. Even if Zach and I were sort of together now, it still hurt.

"And not even remotely demeaning." Lindsay added.

"Um, Lindsay, Seth. Seth, Lindsay." Ryan introduced.

I made a face at him. Was he really trying to set the two of them up?

"Hey." Seth greeted.

"So how does this system work? Is there a ranking system? Or is each girl judged on her individual merits and by merits I mean her rack or her ass." Lindsay said and Ryan made a face.

"It's a simple yes or no survey."

"I see. Well in that case, no and no. I'll see you in class." Lindsay said to the two of them as she walked away. I grinned and turned to Seth and Ryan, who was still smiling at Lindsay.

Did he have a thing for her?

"I can't believe I finally met her." Seth remarked.

"Lindsay Cohen, it's got a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Will you hook that up for me?"

I tried to hide my discomfort at the words and Ryan's glance.

"No." Ryan said instantly. I couldn't tell if it was because he liked Lindsay or because he didn't want my feelings to be hurt.

"Why not? Unless, do you like her?" Seth asked.

"No. No. No. It's just she's difficult, argumentative, bossy."

"Yeah that's my type." Seth remarked and we shared a fleeting glance.

"I should get to class. See you two later." I said quickly and walked away, not wanting to hear any more about Seth and Lindsay.

I walked towards Marissa and Summer who I saw walking not too far away.

"This is a new era, Summer. For the first time in my life there is no boy drama." Marissa said as I fell into step with them.

"How is that possible?" I joked and Summer and Marissa looked at me.

"Ally's right. You are a magnet for boy drama."

"I'm serious. Ryan and I are just friends."

"Hmm and D.J? With the deltoids and the trapezoids..?" Summer asked. I grinned at Summer's use of the word trapezoids.

"He wants nothing to do with me."

"Did you apologize to him?" I asked Marissa.

"I have no idea where he is. After he quit working for my parents, he went totally MIA."

"He shouldn't be that hard to find. Doesn't he work for the Hendersons?" Summer said and Marissa's face lit up.

"See.. totally addicted to boy drama." I joked.

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