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"Ryan!" I yelled as the flurry of officers and paramedics pulled me away from him. Another flurry of personnel came wheeling Trey in on a stretcher. "Ally!" Ryan yelled, but I could no longer see him. 

"Miss, can you tell us what happened?" An officer asked me, grabbing my arm and attempting to pull me aside. 

"Let me see my brother first-"

"That's not going to happen." The officer said and I snatched free of his hold, walking past him. 


"Ryan!" I heard Marissa yell in the distance. 

"Jesus, can someone take a look at this kid?" I heard an officer yell, gesturing to Ryan, who was bleeding from multiple places on his face. 

"Ally!" I heard and turned to see Seth rushing towards me with Sandy at his side. 

"Ally, what happened?" Sandy asked me, but I was beginning to feel very dizzy. I tried to make out Sandy and Seth's faces, but I could barely keep my eyes open. It was then I fell and everything disappeared into blackness. 


I jolted awake, shaking as I sat up. "Ally, it's okay. It was just a dream." Seth told me, sitting up next to me. 

"No, no it wasn't." I said sadly and Seth sighed. "You're right. It wasn't."

This entire summer had been a nightmare. Trey had been in a coma since the doctors had stabilized him. And the police had been on our case, waiting silently to prosecute, even though there was nothing to even prosecute. I'd been having trouble sleeping all summer. I couldn't stop thinking about that night. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Trey and Ryan both bloodied on the ground and Marissa holding that gun. 

"Ally, we need to get ready. The DA will be here soon." Seth reminded me and I sighed. 

"I know. Maybe you should go wake up Ryan." I suggested and Seth nodded, walking over and kissing me on the forehead before leaving the room. As soon as he was gone, I let out a sob. Why was this happening to us? It seemed like we could never get a moments peace. And I didn't even know how to feel about Trey. He'd done something unforgivable to one of my best friends, something that I'd went through myself. I didn't know if I was supposed to feel bad that Trey was hurt. Honestly, I had no idea how to feel about a lot of things. 

I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath, forcing myself to calm down. I had a deposition to get to...


"Miss Atwood, have a seat." The DA told me. I glanced at Sandy who nodded at me. I sat down slowly, eyeing the DA as I did. 

"Miss Atwood, do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God-"

"I do." I said with a sigh.

"Well then, you won't mind if I record this deposition." The DA stated, sliding a recorder onto the table.

"Sure, whatever you want." I said sarcastically, to which Sandy didn't look amused.

"Just answer the questions, Ally." 

"I already answered these questions a million times. My answers aren't going to change this time." I told Sandy and the DA.

"Well, your previous statement came at the hospital...It was traumatic. It's been a couple months, maybe you remember things differently now." The DA suggested and I scoffed.

"I remember everything exactly the same."

"In that case, maybe I could assess some background information on you, Miss Atwood." The DA asked, but I knew he wasn't actually asking. I glanced at Sandy and he nodded once again.

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