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This Recording has been publicized at the behest of the New York Police Dept.

D. "911 whats your emergency?"

V.M. "Hello, I would like to report a missing person"

D. "Who is it sir?"

V.M. "Uh, New Hampshire Concord."

D. "Sir is the missing person a statehuman?"

V.M. "Yes sir."

D. "We'll have to direct you to the PNEO" (Personified Nations Emergency Orginization)

V.M. " Okay sir, thank you."

*at this point, the call is redirected to a PNEO dispatcher*

P.N.E.O "Hello sir what is your emergency"

V.M. "I would like to report a missing person and a potential hostage situation"

P.N.E.O. "When did you last see the missing person?"

V.M. "I last saw him going to America DC's house, I believe that he is a main suspect."

P.N.E.O. "Why sir?"

V.M. "He and America have had feuds in the past."

P.N.E.O. "Okay sir, I'll send the police to the suspect's house, thank you."

V.M. "Thanks"

*End of Call*

Call Was than sent to NYPD to dispatch to scene


Officers: Davis, Scott

O.D "Arriving at scene. Over."

D. "remember, be careful, we don't know if the suspects could be armed. Over."

O.S "permission to enter? Over."

D. "10-74. We have to get evidence that the missing person is on the property. Over."

O.D "Scouting area. Over."

D. "Davis, do you see anything that could be evidence of a hostage? Over."

O.D "Positive. I see someone tied to a chair and scenes of a struggle. Over."

D. "Officer Scott, permission to enter granted, over"

O.S "Loud and clear. Over."

D. "Officer Davis, can you find a way to get through the window? Over."

O.D "Yes ma'am. Over."

D. "Do you see anything of note? Over."

O.S "10-74. Over."

O.D " We have a 10-100,and possible 10-71, 10-78. Over.

D. "Sending backup. Over."

*The rest of the transmission has been removed due to its violent nature.*


New Hampshire Concord was found dead on 09/30/23 due to a gunshot wound to the chest. The killer is still yet to be singled out, but Tennessee Nashville is a prime suspect as he was the one to attempt and attack Officer Scott. He is currently spending 7 years in prison for assault and  resisting arrest. 

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