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POV: Singapore

"出差,由你负责" I said to my co CEO. "好吗?" He says as I walk out the door. Now, to Paris. I think to myself as I go to my car, to go to the airport.

POV: None

As Singapore left his office for the Airport, in the US, there was some...Interesting occurrences.

POV: Hawai'i

"Hey Hawai'i!" Singapore said over the phone. "Hey Singa!" I said back. "So, I was just wondering, do you know anything about Vermont? Just wondering." She asked me. "Vermont? Hmmm, no. Doesn't ring a bell." I said back. "He was a former state?" "Still, nope." I replied. "Okay. That's all I wanted to know, bye!" Singa said. "Bye!" I also said. Odd, that. I thought.

POV: La Folie

Ringing Singapore, why won't she pick up? Eh, anyways, There's this target living on some secret compound on Navassa Island apparently, getting a ride there. Should be there soon. Oh, there it is. And after a while, we arrive, I tip him an extra hundred, and get off of the boat. The place should be under the lighthous-wait why does my contractor know about this place? Eh, anyways, here I am, at the lighthouse, and it says to press the button under the rag. So I enter, and find the button in plain sight? Odd. Anyways, I go down there to find a sleek laboratory like hallway with one door at the end. So I open it, and find a person tied up. "Hello?" I ask him. "OH GOD DON'T! PLEASE!" He screamed in false desperation. "Wait, who are you?" I ask him. "PLEASE NO! PLEAS-w-what?" He says, wearily. "I-I... don't know. I don't know!" He said. "Well, you have a green and blue flag with 14 sta-wait, does the name 'Vermont' ring a bell?" I asked him. "Ver-vermont? Wait... yeah! That's my name!" He said excitedly. "Well, I was hired to kill you, but I'm not going to, so lets get you out of here." I said to him.

POV: New Hampshire

"Bienvenue sur Mac Doner! Que souhaitez-vous?" The cashier asked. And thankfully I took French classes online, so I can speak! "J'aurai le golden tacos et un Coca Cola." "Ce sera 15.50€" The cashier said, and I gave her my credit card, and after a swipe, returned it. After a small while I got my 'tacos' and left. (There was nothing to this part I swear ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

(Guess who's back. Back again. AnOverboiledPotato's back. Tell a friend.)


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