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POV: Vermont

First time on a cruise ship. To be fair it's like 1 hour, so not that large, but the buffet is stellar! And meanwhile, Quebec is sleeping. So pretty good so far, but I just have to wonder, what's about to happen now? Like I can't go a month without a attempt on my life, and what better way to do it than on a cruise! So, going to finish my plate, probably smuggle a few of those Diabolo sodas back to my room, and wait. But first the plaaaaaaaaaaa-and what the fuck was that?

POV: Quebec

The combination of  a lucid nightmare and a murder is a terrible combination. I thought to myself. "Vermont?" I shouted, and then Vermont opened the door, and promptly locked it. And after jumping out of bed, hugged him, retracted the hug, and kissed him, a announcement came over the speaker. "Tous les passagers, s'il vous plaît, retournez dans vos chambres, je le répète, tous les passagers, retournez dans vos chambres. Il y a une personne non identifiée sur le navire, il y a une personne non identifiée sur le navire." 

POV: Random Bystander that totally  wont (and hasn't) make an impact in the story (;

Okay. So, I'm going to completely disregard that! Now, what should I use? And at this moment, I  see a chair leg is particularly loose. And because a am a neighbor to one of the most wanted persons, I believe that they'll search my room. So I unlock my door, and wait.

POV: Tennessee

50 down, 50 to go, 1 target left. Why does dad want this guy so much? Anyways, next up, intel says this is the neighbor of Vermont, and its unlocked. So I enter an-*THUD*

I wake up tied to a bed. "Your awake." He says, "Now, why are you here?" And I feel a clearly improvised wooden stake at my neck.

(Atta boy random passenger!)

-N Tonight!

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