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POV: None 

"Who are you?!" Tennessee shouts. And surprisingly, he answered. "Just call me la Folie. Now, why are you here?" Folie said. "V-Vermont" Tennessee stuttered. "Him? Did America send you?" Folie asked. "Yes?" Tennessee said, scared for his life. "You know what, I'll let you in on a secret, America is just using you. I see it in your eyes, that sense of hypnotization, that sense of dread. I know what you did on that day, how they must he hate you! Now, do me a favor, go back to America, and tell him this, 'La folie rôde, toujours aux aguets'. Thats all, mon moniteur. Goodbye." and before Tennessee could reply, he vanished. 

POV: Tennessee

What. The. Fuck. Was. That!? So I saw this guy called 'la Folie' told me to say something, and vanished? So, anyways, I'm stuck, tied here, with nothing. "HELLO? ANYBODY?" I scream, then, as if torture incarnate struck me with the force of a thousand damned souls, Vermont enters the room. "Tennessee!" He says, "You. You insole-" I try to say before he calls for the guards. Fuck my life, I thought.

POV: None

Tennessee was being taken back to the shore of France, where he was charged with murder and trespassing, where he was sentenced to life in prison, with chance for parole after 30 years. And for Vermont, he, and his soon to be husband (although they didn't know it yet) made it safely to Corsica.

(This will not be the last time you hear of la Folie, trust me.)


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