13 I am a Dream too!

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She needs fixing the doctor told them!

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She needs fixing the doctor told them!

new wires is a must indeed!

They said new cables, does she need!

I am fine I said, with tears down my cheeks,

no one heard what i said!

invisible just like thoughts in my head!

a body full of cracks how i felt,

how can i settle for what demise the flame of the dreams in my head!

i am not second guessing the life I had and i want to have,

but still hearing the voices in my head enchanting she needs fixing, she needs fixing she needs fixing.

I was a body inhaling pain, exhaling aches, oxygen does that even exist!

i thought i was a mountain worth a climb!

an ocean worth a sailing!

a beautiful road worth a ride!

A shore worth a kiss!

you are a cliff to put a side;

a boat full of defects;

an inoperative road, ready to be ruined,

A shore made of rocks, nothing can land on, they all said to me!

How can they tell me what life I should embrace,

i can't live in the sad story maze,

i refuse to be a muse!

i am escaping the mouse traps, planted in my path,

even if it cost me my lifetime!

stubborn as you have stones in mind instead of river of yes, they all said!

why don't you stay still and obey the rules just like everybody else!

how can you drop the baton your ancestors passed you!

you need to rearrange your life!

and put your mind in the old box too,

we are made of glasses!

we can't hope or dream, that's a luxury out of our reach!

how can i accept a title that imprison me!

i am a bird that needs to be set free!

not a bird you put in a wooden cage that blinds me!

i am not a mindless person to coax

let me go embrace my soul!

i know fear is a stamp hard to erase like a permanent tattoo dominating the skin!

i can't let my life drift from the window!

and meet death as an unwelcome guest!

i want to erupt the tension of carrying an obsolete inheritance!

I want to uproot the old trees, and plant seeds of love!

I want to let go of the Grey view, paint a colorful life!

Even if it holds some scars of mistakes I did and still do, I will pamper myself with words like it is okay and am only a human not a holy Devine!

I will trust only God in this earthly journey!

Live as I am a star to another plant!

I will hide the voices in a vintage store!

As a historical song that delivered me to a new dawn!

I will enjoy playing hide and seek with the Sun and moon taking turns to watch over me!

I know Roots become brave and strong only when facing a snow storm, a rainy day or even wind some days, it is only when the heart feels cold and heavy that life blooms in an early spring! 

hey lovlies hope you all doing good! 

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hey lovlies hope you all doing good! 

i wanted to know what is your dreams and are you working on make it your reality? share with me, for me, for now i want to be a writer and a podcaster! 

( well you know once you write your dream it becomes more real than you keep it just a thought in your mins ;) 

be safe, be healthy!

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