22 Find peace in simplicity !

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peace can be

praying to god every night

counting the blessing you 've got in life

lighting a candle in your tiresome days

forgiving yourself about your past days

taking a deep breath

hearing the waves of the ocean

counting the stars every night

befriending the moon all night

thanking god for the life you got

feeding your brain with a book

feeding your heart with loving yourself

sitting under a tree

feeling the ground holding your feet

feeling safe because the sky is protecting you

God is always there hearing you, open the door and see him through.

God is always there hearing you, open the door and see him through

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Hello beautiful Souls hope you all doing and in good health!

in Winter i love to enjoy simple things like praying in the dark to good , reading 

romantic books to warm my heart and going to the beach in winter my favorite, somehow it calms me, what about, what do you enjoy doing during winter!

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