54 Hidden Inside, Till When!

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Behind the windy days, dreams fly away

Behind the teary days clouds wash the bruises that kept aching for days

Behind the lightning , thunder spill some harsh Truths

Life is only a light paper plane

That one day will fly away

And in a blink of an eye, the daydream will stay hidden in the mind's dark regions,

As fear crowned our decisions and every move we had to risk and take

We become weak that we start missing the life we wish we had lived

Stuck between the wish to start living right now

And the fear of it is too late to go in front of the curtains and open the doors of secrets

But what to do? Plan B was always safe to live by, as I will never be noticed

And I have learned that not hoping will bring the peace always

And that I am destined to live a life according to the average people's pace

Because what to desire when all the flames are turned to fears and burning fires.

Well, I am still convincing myself that blending in is safer than standing out, a constant conversation between the heart and the mind

And that I am too weak to handle success's crown

Still pushing myself to believe that having a bad something is always better than having nothing!

I have become shattered pieces that all my fragments hate each other

I have till now lived an uncoordinated life full of mess and meagerness

I had to save being happy until maybe my disappointment will turn into satisfaction

And that maybe someone someday will save me

Resisting my soul's purpose, sent me to a dark hole, where I can see the future wearing the regret's cloak

And my Heart's walls painted with gray and blue

Sad to know that if I keep moving at this pace, this nightmare might become true

And will blame luck for not coming my way

I want to convince my mind that we are not failing the desires and hopes

Instead we are failing to even try to stand and get close to the daydream we are saving for the sad days

And that the ugly scene we have right now is what we have been threading willingly

That feeling Awkly is a way to cope with fears that are clipping our wings to fly to where hope hidden between the clouds

I am tired for postponing life to the closed eyes at night

And to the dawn that keeps showing without bringing any change or an altered desirable life

I want to be free, and strive to success easily

I don't want me to be captive to this kind of life anymore

But I wonder where are the promising doors

That my soul keep showing me whenever my eyes are closed!

Hello, hope you all having beautiful days lately, keep up the high spirit and believe that tomorrow with God's will, will be better ❤️

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Hello, hope you all having beautiful days lately, keep up the high spirit and believe that tomorrow with God's will, will be better ❤️

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