45 letter of apology to myself!

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My thoughts, Reactions, feelings , emotions and behavior

My Mind, Body , Heart and soul 

i have let my self drawn 

deep down people's perceptions and dark judgment mines 

i have never been expressed, understood nor approached as an equal human being 

i have let myself be shaped, reshaped and tossed in holes i never agreed to slid through 

i have let myself be perceived as an easy going, naive, and not important human being 

i have never said my preference because it didn't matter

i always thought i had to sacrifice and be afraid of everyone around

i have always thought that i don't matter, cared for nor loved 

i always thought i have to settle, be a shadow, laugh and just nod a yes 

i was always thought of as a backup 

a soul that just needed to fill a hole 

i wonder why was so afraid, where we are all a body, mind and soul

why i was that scared of being judged and pushed away of a place i never belonged to

i am so sorry my precious soul! 

My thoughts, Reactions, feelings , emotions and behaviors

My Mind, Body , Heart and soul

i apologies for not expressing the emotions and the feelings 

i am sorry for storing hate, rage, anger and devastation in my body 

i am sorry for letting myself down for saying NO to me all the time  

myself i promise you i will turn scars to flowers 

and nurture the thoughts into a beautiful garden!

it is about climbing two mountains: the first one of self love and the second one is bout loving other!

thank you all for reading and voting, it means the world to me , bless you all 

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