50 let them lose you!

23 5 6

you may think you can try one more time 

you may think, that maybe you really misunderstood everything this time 

you may keep doubting your feelings, decisions and deep down desires

you may want to keep uncertainty as your best friend!

but till when?

when are you trusting that feeling 

when are you going to be certain with what you see

till when your worth will always be beneath their value in your eyes

till when self doubt eats your right feelings in the right time

let them lose you!

let them wave goodbye to you!

stop waiting on their waiting list

just make a decision, and leave them behind!

nothing is more tormenting than waiting in a long line

you can let them lose you and walk past old rivers 

you can see yourself in the moon 

you can always stay up to welcome a new dawn 

and you can cancel a meeting just to see sunset from you home

let them lose you and go for that small desires of your own

choose yourself and life will definitely choose you 

don't wrong yourself, and think others are worth for more than you

give yourself chance to be lost once more 

give yourself chance to see glimpses of your soul, in a conversation with yourself, in  your eyes, in the moon , in the stars and when the sun let go of your shadow

let yourself meet wholeness between the dark and the light, where the fine line at dawn separate the sun and the moon 

stop scrolling through hints to convince yourself maybe you got it all wrong 

let your tears dry, your eyes find their spark 

let yourself melt the ice 

let every drop utter with words of self love!

you are worth it, you can be free, and you will always be my number one in any team!

you are worth it, you can be free, and you will always be my number one in any team!

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I am my number choice!

My Liberation PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now