47 The forbidden Fruit!

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The journey, the destination, the journey the destination, the journey,the destination ?

Torn between heart desires, and mind broken wires

what to do to make the sesame door open and go through

discipline, devotion, commitment, consistency and productivity

lyrics appear even when you look up to the skies, it is even written on the clouds

burnout the result of transpassing the borders of your powers

what to do to reap the forbidden fruit

that the web spiders keep talking about

The journey is a hell in disguise 

the destination appears far than the stars

i don't want the accessible fruit

i want to directly reap and eat the forbidden fruit 

Success, a story sleeps and wake up next to me!

i am tired of always seeing what i can't do!

what narrative i should adopt, what perspective that will keep me go along

have I taking my life for granted?

or do i lack hard working and focus to get in the line!

i am letting go of pursuing the forbidden fruit

my compass doesn't align with the Social Media destination

i am choosing My Journey and will write my own narrative 

and will pursue the stories that's hidden inside of my glow

as life is about devouringly compounding the small pieces of results we get from the day to day breathing in this life!

as life is about devouringly compounding the small pieces of results we get from the day to day breathing in this life!

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May you love the life you are living!

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