Meeting The Family (4th)

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Silence met Fan Zhu Xia's words when she asked and the only movement that happened in the hall was the servants quietly leaving the three of them alone.

It wasn't like Fan Hui Zhong or Fan Hui Liang wanted to hide it, but it was more like they didn't know how to answer.

A couple of minutes had already passed yet the two brothers showed no signs nor any intention that they were going to respond.

Shifting her gaze between her father and uncle who were refusing to meet her gaze, Fan Zhu Xia couldn't help but sigh before slowly getting up from her seat and brushing her robes to get rid of the non-existent crumbs that could have fallen when she was drinking tea and nibbling on the pastries.

Her actions didn't go by unnoticed and both Fan Hui Zhong and Fan Hui Liang instantly looked at her with similar troubled expressions.

"Xia'er... It's-"

Shaking her head gently, Fan Zhu Xia wryly smiled with eyes that were filled with understanding as she interrupted her uncle from finishing his sentence.

"Uncle, please... There is no need to explain, I understand."

Sensing something amiss with his daughter, Fan Hui Zhong opened his mouth to speak but Fan Zhu Xia still beat him to it, the moment she saw his expression.

"Father, you should continue talking with Uncle. It seems as though you are needed here and you shouldn't make any decisions hastily."

"But Xia'er..."

Looking at his eyes directly, Fan Zhu Xia just shook her head and smiled gently. To others, it would look as though she was completely untroubled and at peace but to someone who has known her for a long time just like Fan Hui Zhong, he could see that this smile wasn't as genuine as the ones he usually sees.

It was like her smile hid her true emotions and thoughts yet her eyes seemed as though she could accurately guess what he was thinking of.

And the moment she spoke her next words, his suspicions that she had an inkling of his thoughts were confirmed.

"Father, please do not let me affect your choice in this matter. Whether you stay here or not should not be influenced by my presence."

Seeing the signs of distress on his brother's eyes, Fan Hui Liang couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt so he immediately spoke up and said, "Xia'er, it is not like we don't want to tell you, it is just that your grandfather's state is complicated."

Seeing her uncle misunderstand the conversation between her and Fan Hui Zhong, she couldn't help but let out another sigh as she replied, "Uncle Liang, I already know that. Just based on both of your silence earlier already made it easy for me to get the gist of the situation which is why I'm telling Father to think things through first before simply deciding to just leave again."

Hearing her response, it left Fan Hui Liang stumped but filled him with a sense of gratitude and joy because of the effort she took to try and convince her father to stay.

On the other hand, Fan Hui Zhong was anything but happy because he had a faint idea on what was going through his daughter's head right now.

Filled with turbulent emotions, Fan Hui Zhong called out his daughter's name with in a distressed tone, "Xia'er!"

"Father please stop... I know what you're thinking but there is no need for it! You've already helped me enough as it is, so please excuse me... Xia'er will just be in the gardens outside while the two of you talk."

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