Concerned (2nd)

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"Granny Fang, please make sure the manor is presentable and inform the servants to be ready. Princess Leifeng will be dropping by for a visit so also have the kitchen prepare some snacks and refreshments." Wu Zhang He ordered the old yet amicable-looking old woman as he was going up on a large Horse Wind Drake, his personal spirit mount that was seemingly covered with dark silver armor due to its natural protective scaling on the top center of it's head down to it's neck then to it's chest, back quarters and limbs, looking quite heroic. 

"Princess Leifeng? The young lady of Lei Palace is coming?"

"Yes she is... She might be dropping by to see Jun Qiao. If that happens, make sure that Jun Qiao's face stays covered but other than that, you may listen to any of her commands."

"My Lord?!" Shu Fang or more commonly known as Granny Fang exclaimed in protest.

"Just do as I say. Even if she wants to interfere in Jun Qiao's treatment, you must listen to her. She knows what she's doing."

"But what if something happens to the young master?"

"Nothing will happen, no need to worry..."

"But..." worried, Granny Shu wanted to continue to voice out her concerns but she received Wu Zhang He's pointed look leaving her no choice but to swallow back her protests and keep silent. 

Seeing her worry and understanding her concerns, Wu Zhang He sighed and reassured her. 

"Granny Fang, you should remember the medicinal pills that Lei Wangye sent the other day, right? Well, those pills were refined by the princess and from what I've gathered, she is an exceptional doctor so there shouldn't be any problems..."

Upon hearing that, Granny Fang's anxious heart settled down somewhat as she murmured to herself, "Is that so?"

"Very well... Please pardon my previous words then General..."

"No need to apologize, I do understand your concerns... Just do what I told you before and I'll try to come back as soon as I can. There's just something I must take care of."

"Understood. Please leave everything to my care and stay safe General."


With a nod goodbye, Wu Zhang He went out and swiftly disappeared from view.

Once he is gone, Granny Fang turned and went back inside and started mobilizing the servants to have things in order and before long, all the things needed to be done were over. The entire manor was cleaned, the pathways were swept, the receiving hall in the outer courtyard where one welcomed guests was spotless and delicious snacks and various refreshments were being prepared and should be ready to serve once the princess arrives.

All the servants who previously had a somber atmosphere ever since their young master returned unconscious and riddled with injuries were now full of conflicting emotions.

Ever since their young master came to the capital, despite being unfamiliar with them at the beginning and seemed to be quite distant and aloof, even a tad bit overbearing still had moments where he showed his kindness. He was polite and gave them due consideration despite being at a much higher status than them and respected their views and opinions. 

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