Days Before the Imperial Banquet (3rd)

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Jin Fa Chung had arrived early at the imperial palace's Heavenly Hall were the morning court and other official meetings and occasions were held and was already seated in his imperial throne way before any of his court ministers and military officials have arrived.

He was lost in his thoughts and had a deep frown on his forehead while his head was supported on one hand as he leaned back on the throne.

When some of the officials arrived and saw his dark expression, most mistook it as anger and annoyance due to them arriving later than him; the emperor so everyone's chatter faded into a tense silence.

The time for the morning court to start has long passed yet the emperor showed no intention of starting.

In fact, Jin Fa Chung isn't planning on starting the morning court any time soon. He was still waiting for someone to arrive.

Usually Jin Fa Chung hates his officials being late for court but there are some exceptions.

Like the situation at the Fan family.

When his son; Jin Meng Yao came back yesterday and relayed to him the news that there was some sort of incident at the Fan Estate that put the entire place into a state of complete lockdown.

Although his son didn't have any information on what exactly happened, that doesn't mean that he; Jin Fa Chung has no way of finding out, after all, he is the emperor.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

After sending out a couple of his trusted subordinates to gather some information, the news he got was far from pleasant.

An assassination attempt on the Fan family's old patriarch; Fan Song Xue!

The news filled him with alarm and outrage yet what shocked him even more was how ruthless and decisive the Fan family acted!

He already heard that his old sworn brother; Fan Hui Zhong had returned to the capital and truth be told, he was immensely happy about that.

Jin Fa Chung was well-aware how the other high-ranking families and officials thought that the Fan family has weakened over time and how the Lei Palace's power and prestige has deteriorated in Fan Hui Zhong's absence but the actions they did gave all the hungry wolves that were eyeing them an intense shock that sent fear running down their spines!

They didn't just retaliate against the assassin, instead they used it as an opportunity to weed out any spies and traitorous people they have had on the inside!

They didn't care whether or not the people they captured had malicious intentions or were mere informants. Among all that were captured, none were spared!

To top things off, the heads of all the people were all sent to their employers with no exceptions and considerations whether they were from the military or high-ranking nobility.

All were sent the same message.

If you mess or even try to meddle with the Fan family then you better be prepared to they face the consequences of incurring the wrath of the Lei Palace and especially the infamous Lei Wangye.

Quite frankly, Fan Hui Zhong's actions caused turmoil to a lot of people and it wasn't just restricted to the people involved but it even spread to those who just bore witness to it.

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