Getting Along (6th)

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After taking off the pot off the stove and extinguishing the fire, Fan Zhu Xia carried over to the table where the rest of the finished dishes were before taking off the lid and ladeling out the thick, creamy porridge that looked quite appetizing with it's milky white appearance with hints of color, stemming from some of the shredded meat that Fan Zhu Xia added in to enhance it's overall taste and balance out the presence of various medicinal herbs that is evident through the subtle aroma that drifted off as she ladled it into serving bowl before once again covering it with a lid. 

Looking at the variety of dishes on the table, ready to be served, Fan Zhu Xia nodded her head in approval as a satisfied grin appeared on her face. 

Turning to the old man who kept her company while she prepared and cooked the food, Fan Zhu Xia noticed that he was standing up from the chair that she made him sit on and was tidying his clothes, as if preparing to leave so she couldn't help but ask, "Won't you be joining us for lunch?"

"Ahh, I'm afraid not Little Xia Xia... I only stayed because I was curious about what you were going to cook but I still have a former appointment..."

"Appointment?" Fan Zhu Xia asked curiously, while tilting her head in question.

"En! I have a lunch date you know..." Shu Kang told her proudly, making her smile.



Infected by his happy atmosphere, Fan Zhu Xia felt totally relaxed and naturally asked, "Is it with a special lady?"

"Of course! The most special lady in my life." Shu Kang replied seriously and seeing the surprised and curious look on her face, he continued on speaking.

"She's a lady I swore to look after since I was young, sadly she doesn't really need my help all that much..."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Well, Little Fang Fang has always been a strong and independent little girl that I can't do anything for her..."

Realizing who Shu Kang would be meeting up with, Fan Zhu Xia had to swallow back the laughter that threatened to burst out because of the serious yet helpless look on Shu Kang's face.

Giving him a sincere smile, Fan Zhu Xia gently said in a low yet heartfelt voice, "I'm sure just your presence by her side is enough to make her happy. I should know... As long as my family is well and happy then that is enough for me to be the same..."

As if feeling the fluctuation in her mood, Shu Kang comfortingly patted her on her shoulder and then changed the subject. 

"Well, Grandpa Shu knows what you mean so don't dwell on it anymore... What you should really think about is how to make the picky little master eat properly!" 

Hearing how Shu Kang refer to Wu Jun Qiao in such a way instantly chased away the gloom from her mind and she let out a fit of giggles as she recalled Wu Jun Qiao's indignant look when she told him the same thing. 

Seeing her genuinely laughing, Shu Kang had a relieved and gentle smile on his face, pulling his wrinkles up, making him seem even kinder and happy. 

When Shu Kang saw that lost, sad look in her eyes, even if it was only a fleeting moment before she quickly masked and carefully hid it behind a smile, he still recognized it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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