Attacks and Explosions (1st)

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As the loud noise erupted, smoke filled the room and panic set in among majority of the guests yet amidst the din, loud shouts and calm voices could still be heard shouting orders and trying to restore order.

Another explosion sounded but this time it seemed nearer and the thick, acrid smoke soon reached their position.

Fan Hui Zhong who was already on his feet was already clutching a large sword in his hand.

"Xia'er, Little Shi, both of you stay here." Fan Hui Zhong hurriedly whispered as he pushed the two of them to hide underneath the table.


"Listen to me! Stay here and stay safe, am I understood?!" Fan Hui Zhong growled, looking sharply at his children.

Biting her lip, Fan Zhu Xia reluctantly nodded at the same time as Fan Shi Hong.

"Yes, Father." Fan Shi Hong murmured through gritted teeth and red eyes.

As Fan Hui Zhong turned to leave, he felt someone grasp his leave to see Fan Zhu Xia holding it tightly.

"Please be careful." she pleaded softly with worried eyes.

"En. I will."

With a reassuring nod, Fan Hui Zhong turned and disappeared into the smoke leaving the two siblings behind.

"Sister... will Father be alright?"

"Hush, Little Shi. Of course he will... We just have to trust him." Fan Zhu Xia replied, comforting her younger brother and pulled him to a hug as they huddled quietly under the table.

The sound of swords clashing and stuff crashing into the ground as tables are overturned, made the two who are unable to see anything due to them hiding and coupled with the dense smoke, their nerves were high-strung.

The familiar smell of coppery blood mixed with the acrid scent of the smoke made Fan Zhu Xia stiffen.

The sound of fighting didn't stop and instead got louder and Fan Zhu Xia could sense the familiar auras of her father and grandfather erupt among with various others as they released it which actually helped thin out the thick smoke as the air around them swirled and roiled dangerously.

Amidst the chaos, as the smoke dissipated, Fan Zhu Xia saw the Spirit Valor Country Princess be whisked away to safety by her old servant and she also saw her father; Fan Hui Zhong standing by the emperor who was surrounded by his personal guards that also protected the royal family along with Bai Nian Zu, the person in charge of the imperial guards who she met when they first entered the capital that was stoically standing there with a serious look in his eyes.

From what she can see, the emperor's arm was lightly wounded yet he was still calm and composed although he wore a grim expression as he said something to one of his personal guards who immediately nodded and disappeared.

The empress who was standing just behind the emperor had the frail-looking princess in her arms while the Crown Prince; Jin Meng Yao also had a sword in his hand.

Before she can inspect things further, Fan Zhu Xia felt a chill in her back and before she even knew what she was doing, she jumped out from under the table with Fan Shi Hong still held protectively inside her arms before a large force hit the table they were previously hiding under.

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