Schemes and Plans (1st)

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"How are you feeling?"

Hearing the deep and obvious concern, Fan Zhu Xia couldn't help the smile that tugged her lips upwards as a feeling of warmth spread through her.

"I'm fine, Father. Truly I am... I just need to rest for a couple of days and I'll be fine."

"That's good to hear." Fan Hui Zhong nodded with relief at her response before his lips suddenly twitched and he let out a low chuckle.

Quirking her eyebrows, Fan Zhu Xia shot a questioning look towards him to which he only shook his head with a smile before he opened his mouth to answer.

"It's nothing much. A thought just crossed my mind."

"Care to share?"

"Your cousins would be quite relieved to hear that you're doing alright. You have no idea of your importance to them. Heavens, even that boy; Yong Rui was positively livid when he arrived and found out that you got injured!"

"Second Brother's mad?" Fan Zhu Xia exclaimed in surprise.

Giving her a thoughtful look, Fan Hui Zhong nodded before he slowly said, "That's right...He was very concerned and worried about you actually..."

Remembering their first meeting, Zhu Xia's eyes flashed before a sheepish look showed on her face as she rushed to explain to prevent Fan Hui Zhong having any misunderstandings. 

"Xia'er ran into him at the auction and we were able to chat for a bit and realized that we had a lot in common so we got along really well but he had to leave earlier than me which was why he wasn't there when you picked me up at the Jade Herb Medicine Hall."

"Is that so? Well no need to explain, Father was just curious." Fan Hui Zhong said with an amused, teasing smile.

Giving him a wary look, Fan Zhu Xia decided to change the topic and asked, "What about the two children we brought back? How are the both of them?"

"They're fine, don't worry. The boy is currently recovering from his wounds in your courtyard and the girl is stable. She hasn't woken up yet and her body is most likely recuperating it's strength while she's still asleep."

"That's a relief."

"En. Although Father would like to ask you to do something for me."

"What is it?"

"Remember the boy?"


"Remember when I told you about the seal I sensed on him?"

"Did Father find out more information about it?" Fan Zhu Xia queried curiously.

"Not much but your Uncle Liang did tell me something quite interesting about it."

Giving him a look, Fan Hui Zhong continued on and explained, "We haven't figured out the purpose of the seal nor how to lift it but your uncle did manage to figure out who placed it on him in the first place."



"Then who?"

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