Treating the Patient (1st)

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As soon as Fu Qing Tian finished speaking he immediately gave an order to his men to go and disperse the crowd while both Bai Nian Zu and Fan Zhu Xia gave a signal to their group to help and assist in accomplishing the task.

With the combined efforts of the three, the gathered crowd of onlookers were efficiently scattered off without any incident while Fu Qing Tian turned to Fan Zhu Xia with a serious look on his face.

"Young Miss, will you go along with us inside the Jade Herb Medicine Hall to provide treatment for this little girl? You have already stabilized her condition perfectly and I really do believe that once we determine what kind of treatment or prescription was given to her previously, you'll be able to quickly address the problem and be able to cure her. We from the Jade Herb Medicine Hall would just like to get this opportunity to apologize through actions and provide you with any necessary help, whether it be pills, herbs or medical assistance while treating the girl."

Seeing the sincerity on his face, Fan Zhu Xia paused for a moment and taking her silence as a sign of hesitation, Fu Zhenzhen became worried and flustered as she hurriedly spoke and explained in a fast manner.

"Please Young Miss, don't let my actions and my brother's earlier anger affect your judgement! It wasn't that Older Brother was mad at what you did! He just misunderstood things because of what I said, please don't blame him! Older Brother is just extremely protective of me and gets easily mad whenever he finds out that Zhenzhen is being bullied."

Seeing the weird look on Fan Zhu Xia's face, Fu Zhenzhen's eyes widened before she waved her hands worriedly and hurriedly added and said, "Not that you were bullying me! Of course you're not! Young Miss is definitely not a bully... You're more like an elder sister reprimanding me... did I say that right? Ehh...why does Zhenzhen feel like it's wrong? I... uhh... Brother, Zhenzhen is confused!"

Fu Zhenzhen then said with a troubled and teary look in her eyes. Her whole state, looking worried and panicked and very much confused left the three; Fu Qing Tian, Bai Nian Zu and Fan Zhu Xia, not knowing whether they should laugh or cry at her expense.

Feeling pity for her, Fan Zhu Xia then gestured for Min Sheng to carry the little girl before straightening up and patting Fu Zhenzhen's head in a reassuring manner.

"Enough of that. This Young Miss knows what you mean. No more need to worry."

"Really?" Fu Zhenzhen asked timidly.

"En." nodding, Fan Zhu Xia replied first before turning to face Fu Qing Tian and giving him a look before speaking.

"This Young Miss knows and understands where you are coming from. On behalf of this two children, this Young Miss thanks you. Now will Young Master Fu lead the way?"

Sending Fan Zhu Xia a grateful look, Fu Qing Tian nodded before gesturing for them to follow him in as he said, "Come."

Following his lead, Bai Nian Zu and Fan Zhu Xia followed Fu Qing Tian and Fu Zhenzhen inside while bring four escorts each while Fu Qing Tian's men dragged the beaten manager of the Jade Herb Medicine Hall behind them.

Upon entering, all the attendants of the Jade Herb Medicine Hall stood in attention while several doctors and alchemists came forward and gave a respectful bow to Fu Qing Tian and company.

Eyeing them, Fu Qing Tian then asked, "This Young Master sees that not everyone is present which is still understandable but now this Young Master asks all of you if you know who is the person responsible in the treatment of this little girl?"

Drunken Lotus: Fated With The Rogue Hidden Dragon.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ