Schemes and Plans (2nd)

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"Little Xia!"

Startled by his sudden entrance yet not really surprised at his visit due to her father's warning, Fan Zhu Xia smilingly greeted him with a happy tone in her voice as she said, "Second Brother!"

"Little Xia, you made Second Brother so worried!" Fan Yong Rui burst out as he gathered her into his arms while giving her a tight hug just as she managed to stand up on her two feet. 

Feeling warmed by his concern, Fan Zhu Xia ignored the usual customary distancing between opposing sexes and returned his hug as well while leaning her head against his shoulders with her eyes closed.

Just as she opened her mouth to comfort her cousin; Fan Yong Rui, she felt a strong gust of wind enter the room before herself be pulled from his arms to another with her head being securely tucked under someone's chin as her eyes flew open to see herself pressed against an expanse of chest dressed in dark green robes.

She was about to struggle free when she heard a deep voice murmur just above her ear.

"I'm glad you're alright, but Xia'er, never ever do that again. Do you understand? " 

Hearing the familiar voice that started scolding her, Fan Zhu Xia realized who was currently hugging her and she couldn't help the soft giggle that escaped her before she muffled it with her hand as she leaned back to look at him and give him a nod and gentle smile as she opened her mouth to say one word. 



Watching their short exchange, Fan Yong Rui pouted, stood there looking at the pair as if like an aggrieved wife seeing her husband with another woman before he reached out to snatch back Fan Zhu Xia and cradle her securely against him as he shot his older brother a discontented look. 

"Alright, enough with that. Eldest Brother can't hog Little Xia all to himself!" Fan Yong Rui grumbled, displeased at his brother's action of grabbing their cousin from him earlier. 

Lifting a brow, Fan Li Jie frowned at his brother before opening his mouth to sarcastically retort back. 

"Well aren't you hogging her all to yourself right now? Shouldn't Second Brother let go of our little cousin then?" 

With narrowed eyes and scowling faces, the two started bickering back and forth and seeing the situation slowly build up, Fan Zhu Xia's two maids inconspicuously left the room. 

After all, the argument involved not only their young miss but also the two young masters! 

This simply isn't something that they can interfere with! 

Both Chun Tao and Chun Hua could only apologize to their young miss deep in their hearts and hope that someone arrives to break up the argument inside the room before it escalates any further. 

The only thing the two maids can do is to stand quietly just outside the door and pay close attention to the sounds inside the room. 

When Wei Rou Xiang arrived with her youngest son; Fan Xian Liang in tow, they saw two young maids standing on either side of the door looking anxiously at each other.


Hearing a cough, the two maids quickly turned and saw the figures of Wei Rou Xiang and Fan Xian Liang standing a couple of feet before them.

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