Gifts and Favors (2nd)

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Looking at the long sword admiringly, Fan Zhu Xia let out a sigh in appreciation as she stared at the undeniably high level of craftsmanship. Truly the sword not only has a great amount of destructive power and benefits but also exuded an aura of elegance with its dark green blade that gleamed subtly as if mimicking the small shafts of light that peeks through the leaves of dense trees in a forest.

"Hey, do you two think Big Brother Li Jie would like it?"

Surprised at the sudded question, Min Sheng was the first one to recover to reply.

"The eldest young master would surely like it. Young Miss may not know this but your gift is actually perfect for the Eldest Young Master since he specializes in wielding long swords."

"That's right Young Miss! Eldest Young Master would definitely appreciate your gift, especially since you put so much effort on acquiring it!" Chun Hua also added enthusiastically while giving Fan Zhu Xia a smile of assurance.

"Really? That's great then! Now all I need is to look fo-" stopping mid-sentence, Fan Zhu Xia glanced at the door a second before a loud knocking was heard before the door slid open to reveal a young man who had extremely familiar features open his mouth before suddenly freezing at the sight of the people inside the room.

An unusual atmosphere enveloped all of them with only the sound of the attendant apologizing to Fan Zhu Xia which was the only thing preventing the room from descending to complete silence.

Confused, Fan Zhu Xia's brows unconsciously furrowed as she waved a hand to dismiss the attendant who uttered one last apology before hurriedly making her way out while sparing a glance to the young man who was still rooted in his place.

Just as Fan Zhu Xia was about to ask the newcomer his identity, both Min Sheng and the young man suddenly exclaimed out in shock at the same time.

"Min Sheng, what under heaven's name are you doing here?!"

"Second Young Master! Where were you? Senior Guo ha been looking for you since yesterday!"

"What? Grandpa Guo is looking for me? What for?" the young man asked in surprise, completely not noticing Fan Zhu Xia who was sitting just a few feet behind Min Sheng with Chun Hua just beside her.

Her curiousity piqued, Fan Zhu Xia leaned towards Chun Hua and asked in a whisper, "Chun Hua, that young man over there is the second young master of the Fan Family? Is he Yong Rui? Father did mention him to me before we got here but I didn't get to meet him yesterday."

"Yes Young Miss, that's definitely the Second Young Master. Senior Guo Ji was actually looking for him yesterday since there was supposed to be a family dinner arranged to introduce the young miss to everyone but the second young master couldn't be found and an uninvited guest also arrived so the patriarch decided to just reschedule everything."

"So that's why he looks so familiar! He looks so similar to Big Brother Li Jie and Brother Xian." Fan Zhu Xia mused quietly. Just as she was about to ask Chun Hua if she knew who the guest was that unexpectedly came last night, Fan Yong Rui finally remembered why he came here in the first place and he hurriedly scanned the room until his eyes landed on Fan Zhu Xia who was also gazing at him with a pondering look in her eyes.

Looking straight at her, a flash of bloodlust was felt by Fan Zhu Xia before it quickly disappeared that even Min Sheng didn't pick it up before Fan Yong Rui suddenly spoke in a cold voice, "Uncle doesn't have a daughter and he never even mentioned an existence of one, so who the f*ck are you and why are you pretending to be Uncle Hui Zhong's daughter?"

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