Dealing with Loose ends (3rd)

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This was something that Fan Hui Zhong dealt with overnight.

It also helped him in deciding whether or not he and his daughter will be staying here or if they wil continue to travel.

While this was happening, Fan Li Jie was just about to finish interrogating the young maid who was chained up inside a damp, cold and moldy cell.

The young maid who originally looked like a young flower about to bud now looked wilted and almost beyond recognition. The light colored uniform dress she wore earlier was now torn and bloodstained, while her hair that she had tied up prettily was looking extremely disheveled and almost resembled a bird's nest.

One of the guards who was inside the cell with Fan Li Jie held a bloodstaine whip and was looking at the Eldest Young Master and waiting for his instructions.

"Wake her up." Fan Li Jie ordered in an aloof manner yet the gaze he used to stare at the young maid, even made the guard feel chills run down his spine.

Stepping forward, the guard splashed ice cold water towards the unconscious maid who was immediately drenched and startled awake.

Seeing Fan Li Jie who was making his way closer to her, the young maid was filled with fear and terror.

Who knew that the usually cold and aloof young master that seemed above mundane and wordly matters had such a cruel and terrifying side?

"Y-Young Master, p-please Het this servant g-go! This s-servant already t-told Young M-Master e-everything, please b-believe me!" the maid cried out pitifully.

Crouching down, Fan Li Jie grasped her chin in his hands. His long, smooth fingers clenched tightly on her jaw to the point that he almost crushed it with his strength.

As the maid cried, Fan Li Jie remained expressionless and just continued tightening it before his Iips suddenly tilted into a cold smile before he abruptly pushed and let go of the maid.

Straightening up from his crouch, he took out a silk handkerchief and wiped his hands clean before throwing it away.

Glancing at the maid who was sobbing pathetically, Fan Li Jie then said, "I believe you."

Hearing his words, a glimmer of hope appeared in the young maid's eyes as she stammered out, "R-Really?"


Overjoyed, the maid started stuttering as she tried expressing her grattitude.

"Young Master is benevolent! This servant swears to always be loyal and never do anything to betray Young Master's trust!"

Turning to her, Fan Li Jie spoke in a voice filled with contempt.

"Who said l'm releasing you?"

Confused, the maid stared at Fan Li Jie dumbly and watched as Fan Li Jie gave a nod to the guard who immediately acted upon receiving the signal.

As if realizing the truth, the maid then struggled violently against the chains that held her back and started begging and wailing but the guard paid no heed and just drew his sword and beheaded the maid while Fan Li Jie just stood there looking at the scene apathetically.

Seeing that the matter has been settled, Fan Li Jie turned to leave while instructing the guard.

"Make sure to clean everything up."

"Yes, Eldest Young Master."

Going out of the underground detention cells of the Lei Palace, Fan Li Jie was met by Min Guo Ji who then told him that his father and uncle were waiting for him at the Xiong
Jia Courtyard along with hs mother and his younger brother.

Upon realizing that almost a day had passed, Fan Li Jie hurried along with Min Guo Ji and soon arrived at Xiong Jia Courtyard where a spread of light dishes and some porridge was served on the table.

Seeing her eldest son arrive, Wei Rou Xiang quickly stood up and dragged him to the table and urged him to eat.

Fan Li Jie was about to say something when he recognized a guard from his grandfather's courtyard rushing towards them.

Both Fan Hui Zhong and Fan Hui Liang also noticed this and slowly got up to their feet.

"Patriarch! Lei Wangye! The Old Patriarch has woken up and is urgently summoning you." The guard immediately said as soon as he was near.

Not wasting time, everyone there abandoned their meal and hurriedly went to follow the guard who was rushing them along. This alone made them apprehensive and worried that
something might have happened.

The moment they arrived at Fan Song Xue's courtyard, they rushed to the main bedroom where they saw Fan Song Xue reclining on the bed which was recently cleaned and wearing
new robes, still looking pale yet very alert.

The sight made them collectively sigh in relief and at the same time marvel at Fan Zhu Xia's expertise.

"It's great to see you awake and well again, Father" Fan Hui Zhong said gruffly, his joy shining through his eyes while Fan Hui Liang nodded his head in agreement with a wide grin
filled with happiness as he hurried close and clasped their father's hand in his own.

Seeing his two sons in front of him along with their family, Fan Song Xue almost felt overwhelmed with happiness that he couldn't help but smile but then as soon as he
remembered his granddaughter's state, his smile slowly faded.

It was at this time that Fan Hui Zhong then looked around and ask, "Where's Xia'er?

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