Newfound Cousin (4th)

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Back at the imperial palace at the main hall were morning court was currently in session were two youths that were sitting side by side slightly to the one side on a long intricately carved dais made out of white jade with gold details near the front on a small raised platform who's height is only second to the connecting larger platform that was a whole three steps higher where a large majestic throne made out of jade with an exquisitely unique color of golden amber with gold and gem detailings where the emperor himself sat.

The two youths were none other than Jin Meng Yao and Fan Xian Liang!

Jin Meng Yao was present because his father wants him to take this opportunity to watch and learn the proceedings in court so that when the time comes for him to step down, Jin Meng Yao will have an idea on what to do and not just blunder about blindly.

On the other hand, Fan Xian Liang's presence was only due to Jin Meng Yao's insistence and as far as the court ministers could see, Fan Xian Liang was being forced by their prince to attend which clearly reflected on the two young men's expressions.

All of the various ministers and court officials knew why the two young men where here so they just went ahead and disregarded their presence but some of the more experienced ones couldn't help but heave an internal sigh at the crown prince's antics.

"Come on Xian, are you still sulking?" Jin Meng Yao teasingly asked under his breath while giving his friend a small nudge.

"I am not sulking!"

Snickering, Jin Meng Yao retorted happily, "You so are!"

Shooting Jin Meng Yao a dark look, Fan Xian Liang decided to ignore him and let his mind wander to the events that happened in their home the previous night.

Seeing Fan Xian Liang ignoring him, Jin Meng Yao couldn't help but have an urge to tease his friend even more.

"Are you throwing a tantrum? Is that why you're ignoring me now?"





Still nothing...

"Ignoring me isn't going to help you leave earlier you know." Jin Meng Yao told Fan Xian Liang in a low whisper as he looked at his friend but still he got no response.

In spite of Fan Xian Liang's lack of reaction, Jin Meng Yao still continued trying to hound Fan Xian Liang covertly while trying to act as inconspicous as possible and yet regardless of his efforts, his father; Emperor Jin Fa Chung still noticed.

Before long, Jin Fa Chung could no longer tolerate his son's antics that he stopped a court official who was citing a report mid-sentence and barked in a loud voice filled with annoyance, "Jin Meng Yao!"

Instantly, both Jin Meng Yao and Fan Xian Liang's eyes shot up to look at the emperor with identical looks of surprise while Jin Meng Yao then paled slightly as he realized that his father had discovered that he wasn't paying attention.

"Yes Father?" Jin Meng Yao asked nervously as he stared at Jin Fa Chung who was seated at the majestic jade throne.

"Are you even paying a slightest bit of attention Meng Yao?"

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