Surprise at the Auction (1st)

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Being led by Ho You to one of the more prestigious private auction rooms, the atmosphere that Fan Zhu Xia left in her wake at the main hall of the Thousand Treasures Pavillion was complicated to say the least.

The crowd was divided into people with varying emotions, mainly disbelief, shock, surprise and awe. No one could really doubt the authenticity of the card because the moment Fan Zhu Xia showed it, all the attendants and workers immediately recognized as the Essence Spirit Card and if anyone doubted the card's authenticity, then why would Fan Zhu Xia be able to anger the Spirit Valor Country princess; Ning Yan Mei so much that she spat out blood before fainting in anger.

The last thing on Fan Zhu Xia's mind was what the people's thoughts were, instead, she was filled with excitement and anticipation as Ho You gave her a brief narration on what kind of items will be auctioned today by the Thousand Treasures Pavillion.

Although Ho You didn't tell her the specific items, he did confirm that there should be quite a few rare medicinal herbs that were being shown today and that was more than she could have asked for.

Finally, they arrived at the third floor before stopping in front of a black door which Ho You gently opened with a flourish as he gestured for them to go inside.

Murmuring her thanks, Fan Zhu Xia passed Ho You, stepping inside gracefully and looking around, examining the room.

A sound of appreciation sounded from the back of her throat as Fan Zhu Xia nodded approvingly after examining the room.

"Brother Ho, your Thousand Treasures Pavillion really does live up to its name. Your auction room is exquisite!" Fan Zhu Xia exclaimed happily as she flounced over to the wall that was made out of glass that overlooked the auction stage before giving Ho You a beaming smile.

"It's good that Young Miss likes it." Ho You respectfully replied with a slight smile as he watched Fan Zhu Xia go from the glass wall to inspect the various furnishings in the room.

With a tinkiling laugh, Fan Zhu Xia said, "How could this miss not like it? Everything in this room is of top quality! Really superb."

"Then that is good! If Miss Xia'er would excuse me, Ho You still has to help out with the auction's preparations. If the Young Miss should need anything, there will be a servants just outside the door, feel free to tell them what you need."

"Xia'er understands. Thank you for all your help today Brother Ho." Fan Zhu Xia acknowledged sincerely.

With a respectful bow and a smile goodbye, Ho You then quietly left the room, leaving only Fan Zhu Xia and her two companions; Min Sheng and Chun Hua.

Letting out another appreciative sigh, Fan Zhu Xia glanced around the room before settling in one of the large sofas located right at the front, near the glass wall since it was the perfect place to sit down and watch the auction.

Realizing that only she had taken a seat, Fan Zhu Xia looked behind her and saw Min Sheng and Chun Hua standing respectfully behind her making her surprised.

"Why don't the two of you take a seat? We still have to wait until the auction starts and there's no use for the both of you to be standing when there's a lot of seats available for you to use."

"Please do not worry about us Young Miss. Standing here is better for us so that we can immediately react if something happens." Min Sheng replied seriously.

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