Fraud or Not? (2nd)

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"What did we do? Ha! We did nothing! It was this two brats who maligned and slandered us, spouting nonsense about us being frauds and swindlers!"

A woman's light and airy yet arrogant voice sounded out from behind Fan Zhu Xia and turning around to look at the source, she saw a young lady of around fourteen or fifteen years of age with delicate features in pale green robes coming out of the medicinal hall.

"Now this lady's people has been beaten under your orders, who gives you the right? This lady's people has been handling the affairs and treating patients in my family's Jade Herb Medicine Hall for years and this is the first time this has happened!"

Staring at her without getting up from the ground, Fan Zhu Xia acted as if she didn't hear a word of the complaints that the young lady uttered and just repeated her question as her eyes stared at the indignat girl with a cold penetrating gaze.

"This young miss asked; what did you do? Are you going to answer or not?"

The moment Fan Zhu Xia spoke, the whole atmosphere got heavier and tenser. The young lady in pale green robes couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine as she endured Fan Zhu Xia's cold, intimidating stare which made her lost her composure and stutter in nervousness as a seed of fear manifested inside her.

"W-We did n-nothing wrong! We provided treatment, what's wrong about that?! I-It's those two kids who made trouble for my family's medicine hall!" the young girl loudly explained with an expression of looking extremely aggrieved as if she was about to cry at any moment.

Seeing her this way, Fan Zhu Xia couldn't help but believe what the young lady was saying but still she eyed the girl suspiciously until the poor young lady couldn't take it anymore and burst into tears.

"What?! Still don't believe this lady? This lady already told the truth but you still want to bully me... boo hoo boo hoo..." the young girl sobbed out as her tears fell like precious crystals, making everyone who looked at her feel a sense of pity and protectiveness to the fairer sex.

A touch of exasperation flitted in Fan Zhu Xia's eyes as she snappily said, "Who is bullying who?! This miss asked what you did to this child because this miss wants to know what treatment your medicine hall gave this little girl for her to end up this way!"

Hearing Fan Zhu Xia's response, the young lady was momentarily stunned into silence as she stared wide-eyed at Fan Zhu Xia before glancing at the little girl in her arms.

Once her eyes landed on the little girl, the young lady's eyes widened in alarm and her feeling of being wronged was quickly forgotten as she rushed to the Fan Zhu Xia's side before she noticed the young boy's unconscious form.

"What happened to them?!" the young lady exclaimed with eyes filled worry and alarm.

Hearing this, a vein almost burst out on Fan Zhu Xia's head due to extreme annoyance and exasperation with the young lady in front of her.

"Your medicine hall happened to them! If this young miss' carriage didn't happen to take this path an get blocked, this two children would have been beaten to death!"

"What?! We wouldn't-"

"What wouldn't?! If this miss didn't order her servants to stop that man from your medicine hall from using a bamboo stick to hit this boy, he would've been dead!"

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