Chapter two

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We walked into the screening and found our seats. Me and Riz decided to sit on the end. We watched a movie called Dune Two. The movie was so boring I started to yawn, Riz looked over at me and tapped my shoulder, "What?" I said whispering. "You can lean on me if you want." I looked back at the screen and yawned again then I rested my head on his shoulder.

I shivered from the Air conditioning and he took his jacket off and handed it to me, "Here." I smiled like a baby and wrapped his jacket around me. The movie came to a scene with the two lead characters Paul and Chani, I felt someone's hand holding mine and I saw Riz smiling.

The movie finished and I was asleep on Riz's shoulder. He thought it was cute and decided to take a pic and SO DID EVERYONE ELSE, it was so annoying. I woke up to Riz trying to move his hand, "What are you doing?" I said in a sleepy voice, "Movies over darling time to go home." I opened my eyes to cinema lights sparkling in my eyes.

Everyone started to get up and so did I. "You got everything?" I nodded and put my arm in his, "Okay let's go." we all walked out to the car park and everyone was organizing who was dropping who off. I handed Riz his jacket and then spoke to Aisha "Aisha can you take me?" she came over and hugged me, "I wish I could but I have to go get my sister from my aunts," I said goodbye to everyone, and went back inside.

I stretched my arms to wake me up and went on my phone to order an Uber when I heard a voice, "What are you doing? isn't Aisha taking you home?" I shook my head, "She has to get her sister, it's fine I can Uber home." Riz shook his head, "Nope you're half asleep, I'll take you." I sighed tiredly. "It's late, I'm fine...." Without warning he picked me up bridal style and took me to his car.

Riz put me down outside his car door and I looked at his car, "You're a merc guy huh?" he smirked, "My car is the best one out there." He has a black four by four g wagon mwah it was so nice. I got in and I still felt cold, "Here take it." He gave me his Jacket back and I put it on, "How are you so hot?" He laughed shocked, "Already Zara." wow the way he said my name, it was the first time he did. "No I mean warm." he chuckled, "Like you said earlier, why am I so hot."

I ignored him and closed my eye's listening to trance while he was driving, "So where am I going." he asked, "Portobello Road." he nodded and continued to drive. Once we reached my street I didn't want to go inside, "We're here, what's wrong?" I sighed, "I don't want to go home, I want to stay here, with you, and your jacket." He smiled softly as he took my seat belt off, "Come on how about this, I will tell Farhan to organize something just me you Aisha, and him yeh?" I nodded and handed his jacket to him, "Keep it till next time I see you." I hugged him and grabbed my bag then said bye then walked into the house.

"Hello?" I said, "Where have you been." I heard a voice say annoyed, "Jamal it's only ten relax." Jamal is my older brother, he is so overprotective it's annoying. I ignored his complaints got changed took my makeup off and went to sleep.

The next morning was Monday a school day, and I was late. "fuck." I said stopping my alarm I quickly got ready and got an Uber to school since Aisha had already left from her texts I read. I arrived at school twenty minutes late and headed to class. I had business first thing, boring. I sat down in my seat and forced myself to listen to whatever the teacher was saying.

After that, I had a break for forty minutes. I saw Aisha, Farhan, and Rizwan and went to sit with them. "Morning everyone." I said my head almost banging on the table but Riz put his arm in between it, "Why were you late Zara, I waited but then I was going to be late." I nodded, "I was really tired after last night." Riz looked over to me, "You okay?" he said stroking his hand through my hair. I got up and leaned against his arm, he was so tall like a giant compared to me.

"What is going on between you two?" none of us spoke. "Am I speaking to a ghost?" Farhan said, "No it's nothing were friends, right Rizwan?" He nodded and Farhan scoffed. "What?" I said confused, "You like her that much Riz?" Farhan said laughing, "Shut up Farhan." Riz said sounding annoyed. I started to get annoyed now "Come on guys we're fifth year be Mature and tell me." Farhan was about to laugh but he got a Death stare from me and finally spoke, "Riz doesn't let anyone call him Rizwan only his parents which means he must really like you." He scoffed angrily and walked away, "Really?" Farhan nodded.

"I'll be back." I followed Riz into the stairwell, "What's your Problem?" He sighed, "Farhan is so annoying." I smirked, "Actually I think it's cute." His eyes lit up from excitement, "Really? So you like me?" I nodded, "But can we take this slow? I don't want to mess it up." He smiled and we walked back to the table. Riz smiled like no tomorrow.

"What are you so smiliey about?" Aisha asked suspiciously, "Nothing." He said as he started talking to Farhan and I went on my phone. After ten minutes the bell went for class, we got up and headed to our classes, Strangely enough I had double English and Riz was in my class but didn't sit next to me, I wish he did....

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