Chapter four

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I didn't know what to do, So I just went to sleep. In the morning I got up and was barely able to get ready for school. I tried but I couldn't even do my makeup because of the pain in my ribs, what if they were broken? I was scared for my health but Dad didn't give a shit if I died or not, he had his star son Jamal who had finished University and was now working in a science lab.

I ignored Aisha's texts and got an Uber to school. I had to ignore Riz I didn't want to but I didn't want Dad to find him too. great I had English to start the morning off. I walked to class and sat in my seat. I put my bag next to me hoping Riz would take the hint but he just moved my bag. 

"Morning babe." Riz never got a response as I sat silently trying to bear the pain. "Hello? Zara?" I continued ignoring him, I wish I could tell him but I couldn't say anything to hurt him. "Is this about yesterday?" I had enough I got up and before I could reach the door I fell and everything went black.

I woke up in a room, a hospital room and I was alone, so I started to cry. I was drowning In a river of tears when I heard footsteps. "You bitch. you told your school?" I was so afraid, "No Dad I didn't, I don't even remember what happened. Everything just went black as I was walking. "good they won't discharge you till next week so you will be staying here alone, your mother thinks your at Aisha's for the week so don't bother her with your lies." and he walked out the room. 

it had been two days since the fall happened at school and Jamal was staying with me the whole week and a half but tonight dad wanted him home to watch the game, "I'm so sorry Zara I should've stopped him." I sighed, "You say that every time he hits me but deep down we both know your scared too." Jamal walked over and gave me a kiss on my head and walked towards the door, "I will be back tomorrow just after your surgery at noon okay?" I nodded and closed my eyes. 

Late at night I heard a noise in my room, "Hello?" I put my phone flash on and saw a figure at my door. "Dad I'm sorry." I shut my eyes as they started to tear up thinking he was here to punish me but the person came and gave me a kiss on my forehead. I opened my eyes and it was Riz, I rubbed my eyes slowly still in pain. Riz looked upset. 

"What are you doing here?" I said in a stern voice, "Don't do that, don't act like everything's okay, Your ribs are broken and what because of your dad and you didn't think to tell me." I saw his eyes becoming glossy and I could hear the pain in his voice. He fell to his knees and broke down crying at the side of me, "I'm so sorry, I didn't want him to hurt you too." he looked up and held my hand, "Don't ever say sorry it's not your fault."

Riz got up and sat next to me in a chair, "I knew this boy Zane, He was my best friend when I was a kid. I found out his dad would abuse him and he... he..." Riz couldn't finish his sentence he gripped my hand and finished his sentence, "He killed himself on his sixteenth birthday." I felt empty hearing those words coming out of his mouth.

I looked at him and he had his head down on the hospital bed, "Zane loved his life and his dad made it hell, I'm not letting that happen to you. He broke your fucking ribs, he is lucky I don't do the same. Zara the way I feel about you is unexplainable, I would fucking KILL for you if anyone hurt you." I brushed my hand through his hair, "I'm having a surgery tomorrow." He looked up and started to shake, "hey, hey its okay, I'm fine its just to fix my rib." He got up from his seat and kissed me, "After this surgery your moving in with me end of discussion okay?" I didn't know what to say.

"But what about my mum and my brother? I can't just leave them." He shook his head, "If your brother cared that much he would've done something, and your mum, does she know?" I shook my head, "exactly, okay I have to tell you something. Its sort of serious." I was confused what now? "Yeah you can tell me?" He took a deep breath, 

"My family Is sort of part of the mafia but before you dump me I live by myself which is why I'm asking for you to come with me." I didn't know what to say, "Okay I'm okay with that as long as you don't get yourself hurt then I'm fine with it." His eyes lit up, "You are?" I smiled. Riz got up and started to make out with me, he accidentally put pressure on my stomach, "I'm so sorry."

"What about my stuff?" He started to laugh, "I'll tell my boys to get everything out of your room okay?" I nodded and I yawned, "You sleepy babe?" I nodded my head and closed my eyes. I woke up at seven and Riz was still holding my hand asleep on the bed.

"Rizwan, wake up." I said slowly tapping him, "Don't call me that." He got up and stretched his arms out, I looked at my phone and I got a text from dad saying he will be here in five minutes. "Riz you have to go my dad will be here any minute to check on me." he got up and then sat back down, "I'll stay thanks." I sighed, "Please Riz I'm not kidding." then the door opened...

you will always be mine xOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora