Chapter fifteen

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"What the fuck, what are you doing here... with him?" I turned to see Riz his hands wrapped in a layer of bandages. I got up and walked towards the car and Riz exhaled heavily and followed me.

Then we heard Alex's voice, "I want to change the conditions." I turned at the same time as Rizwan and he was interested, "to what?" Alex started to smirk... "forget the everything else, I'm just going to fight for her."

Riz scoffed, "seriously? Fine. I'm going to win moltov." Alex was calm, "shake on it." They both shook hands and I realised this was going to change everything. Riz grabbed my hand and took me to the car leaving Alex watching us leave still on the beach.

He let go of me and we both got in the car and he drove us home. The whole journey home was silent, as I walked in the house and Riz followed me in and walked upstairs and I slumped on the sofa.

Zaid walked in and sat next to me, "what's up with you?" I took the remote and put on some Netflix. "Riz agreed to Alex's new terms..." he raised his eyebrow, "which are?" I turned to face him and spoke with a full face of seriousness, "he agreed to just winning me the assets aren't involved in the deal anymore."

Zaid put his hand on his head, "this isn't what was supposed to happen, somethings up." He got up and walked upstairs. I didn't know what to do so I snuggled on the sofa and slowly started to drift asleep.

The next morning I woke up on the sofa, I walked upstairs to his room and he wasn't there. I looked all around the house and no one was home. I walked into the closet and I found a lakers basket ball jersey with shorts and I put them on and jumped on the bed and went on my phone.

I saw a text from Zaid saying they had a meeting to go to and Zac had to get his mother from the airport so I was home alone for a few hours. I lay in bed bored again so I called Some friends over.

After fifteen minutes I heard the doorbell. I opened the door and it was Aisha and Farhan and they brought pizza, "so where is everyone?" Farhan asked pouring us some fizz. "Well Riz and Zaid are out at some meeting and Zac is getting his mum from the airport, Also you guys didn't think to tell me you were in the mafia?" Aisha started to laugh, "actually I wasn't till this idiot proposed, I promise I would've told you but I was under oath."

Farhan was smirking at Aisha then continued to eat and I scoffed, "so that's why he asked me..." they both looked at me confused, "asked you what?" Farhan curiously replied. "Riz sort of asked me to marry him... and I ran away to the beach to be followed by Moltov and then the deal changed for the fight and then yeah..."

I slapped my hand on my mouth after accidentally ranting, "well I knew about the fight but not about the proposal and the change of deal, what did they change?" I was hesitant at first but he already knew so, "they're leaving the assets out of the deal and I'm the prize." I said slapping my hands on my face.

"At least you'll be with Rizwan for life girl." Aisha said "I didn't give him an answer though and I'm not sure if I'm ready for marriage, I'm only seventeen. And I know you guys did but come on you guys are more mature then me."

Aisha gave me a hug and Farhan looked at me with a smile, "don't worry about it Zara, he will win. he's a champ, he always has been and always will be." It gave me reassurance that everyone was telling me he would win I was confident in him. Though we weren't speaking right now I do love him.

"When's this fight anyways?" I asked Farhan, "it's tomorrow night I believe, it was supposed to be in a month but Riz changed the date to tomorrow." Just as Farhan stopped speaking the door opened, it was The boys, "Farhan, Aisha? what are you doing here?"  They looked at me to reply but I didn't say anything, "Zara invited us."

He nodded and sat next to me, and held my hand. Everyone was talking and I was sitting there doing nothing. "Guys I'm feeling tired, I'm going to head upstairs." I said bye to farhan and Aisha then went upstairs and lay in bed and went on my instagram.

Half an hour later I heard everyone leave and I heard footsteps so I pretended to be asleep. Riz walked into the room and changed into some joggers. He got into bed and put his arms over me then whispered in my ear, "why are you pretending to be asleep, love." I turned around confused,

"how did you..." he cut me off, "i saw you, smirking at my abs again." I started to blush from embarrassment but I kept a straight face, "I'm trying to sleep." He was silent for a second then he spoke, "sure, whatever you say princess."

I turned around still silent and looked him dead in the eyes, "what?" He said analysing my face... "why are you doing the fight tomorrow? Actually why are you doing it at all?" He sighed, "I need him gone okay it's not about why I'm doing it, it's about who I'm doing it for."

"And who are you doing it for?" He scoffed, "seriously? I'M DOING IT FOR YOU BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU."

I loved how he was doing it for me but I didn't want him to get hurt. I grabbed his face, "fine, your doing this but I swear to god if you get hurt, I'll leave you forget about the deal." He rubbed his face with his hand "Okay, okay Jeez calm down woman." I let go of his face and went to sleep...

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