Chapter eight

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I woke up with something wet on my head, I had nothing on but underwear. "What is going on?" I took the towel off my head and slowly got up. "Zac, get some food, she will need it when she wakes..." Riz walked in the room and he saw me awake, "Zara, what are you doing lie down." He tried to lay me back down and I pushed him off. "Get off me." He moved back and I tried to get out of the bed and I slipped, "Zara stop it." He put me back in the bed and I felt sick.

"I'm going to be sick." Riz grabbed the bin next to the bed and I threw up. I needed to find out what was going on but every time I asked Riz he never told me, "can you just tell me please?" He shook his head, "you don't need to know right now, just focus on getting better okay?" He sat behind me and put my head on his chest.

I felt uneasy knowing I didn't know what was going on, I waited for Riz to fall asleep and I slowly got up trying not to wake him. I grabbed a hoodie, my phone, and Rizwan's car keys. I looked down the top of the stairs and I saw Zac sitting on the sofa next to the door. 'How am I supposed to get out.' I thought. I looked and I realised Zac was asleep. I tiptoed down the stairs hoping none of the creaked. Once I reached the door I opened it and ran for Riz's car.

I got in and I heard someone calling my name, "Fuck me." I said rolling my eyes, I started the car and drove off at thirty miles an hour. 'What am I doing, where am I going, where's dad.' So many questions going through my head and I didn't have an answer to one. I drove to a hotel which was far enough away from Rizwan's house but in the area so I didn't get lost.

"Hi there can I get a room for one?" The girl at the desk was round my age, I could tell from the way she looked at me. "How many nights?" I thought for a moment, "one please." She told me the price and I didn't have enough, "that is twenty-five ninety-five." I checked my bank account and I only had ten. "Is there any way I could get a discount." She shook her head, and I walked out of the hotel. "Great, what now idiot." I said sighing.

I drove to shopping malls car park, parked the car while listening to music and without realising it I fell asleep. I woke up my whole body aching from the sleep I had and I had a headache. I started the car and drove down to my house. I saw police tape on the door and windows. I got out the car and the door was left unlocked, 'maybe the police were here earlier .' I thought.

I went to My parents room and everything was a mess stuff all on the floor and I saw a necklace with a pendent it's the one Dad bought Mum after me and Jamal were babies it had a picture of each child on one side of the pendent. I put it around my neck then went to my room. Mums phone was lying on my desk in my empty room filled with emptiness I picked it up and there was one video saved to the camera roll.

I press play and my mums voice starts to play. "Darling, tonight I know I'm going to die but I have something to tell you. Your brother is alive, I helped him escape from your father and I know your dad is going for me next but there's another thing you need to find your brother and find..." then there was an abrupt stop in my mothers voice when a door opened. "I love you Zara." Was all I heard until there was a gunshot. There was no noise after the gun shot it was just silence, I couldn't believe I had heard how my mother died and she couldn't even finish telling me what she had to tell me.

I searched around the house hoping she had left a clue on where my brother was. But I couldn't do it. I broke down screaming in pain from losing my mother. My clothes soaked from the river of tears coming out of my eyes I sat on my brothers floor and I looked down under his bed until I saw something glistening.

I tried to lift his bed but I wasn't strong enough, 'I had to get it, it might be a clue on where he is' I thought I pushed my self with all my might and lifted his bed up and grabbed it. It was a pair of glasses and when I dropped the bed from retrieving them the bed dropped so hard it made a massive hole in the floor and there was a small door under the bed which had become clear from me lifting the bed. I walked around to the side of my brothers bed and pushed it out of the way of the hole. I grabbed on to the handle of the door but it wouldn't budge and I was confused I eventually gave up and sat down till I felt a hand on my shoulder...

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