Chapter twelve

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We got in the car and right as we were about to leave, Rizwan gets a call. "Hello?" His faced changed as soon as the voice on the other end spoke. "Send the jet here now." And he hung up.

"Rizwan? What's wrong?" Asked concerned, "nothing it's fine." He said emotionless. "Riz it's not fine you look like someone just died, what happened?" What I said pissed him off, "I SAID IT'S FINE, SHUT THE FUCK UP." he raised his fist at me while talking and then put it down and started to drive.

I didn't say anything because I didn't want to trigger him more and just kept quiet till we reached a private airport. He got out of the car and I saw Zaid and Zac talking to Riz then Zac came to the passengers side door, "come on, we're going." He closed the door behind me and walked me over to the jet while Riz was still talking to Zaid.

I stopped Zac at the bottom of the steps to the jet, "what's going on? Can you tell me please, he was acting so weird in the car." He looked concerned, "what did he do?" I shook my head, "that doesn't matter, what happened?" He sighs "I can't tell you unless you tell me what he did..." I rolled my eyes, "he shouted at me and almost hit me but he stopped himself, happy? Now can you tell me what the fucks going on?"

"His dad got shot, by one of the mafia families we thought was our Allie." I didn't know how to react I was shocked, "who was the mafia family?" He ignored my question and walked me up the stairs and sat me down then walked out.

Fuck, his dad got shot that's why he was so angry. But why did he try to hit me? It wasn't my fault was it? No no it wasn't maybe it was a reflex. After overthinking for the past minute everyone else got in the jet, Zac, Zaid, and Rizwan with a few security guards. The boys sat together while I was alone till Zaid came over.

"You okay?" I nodded and nodded back, "you hungry?" I smirked, "very." He got up and pressed a button on the side of my arm rest, a door lifted and a bunch of drinks and snacks popped out. "Thanks for being nice to me Z." He winked and walked back over to the boys.

I sat eating my skinny popcorn and water when Riz came up to me. He never spoke a word just sat in front of me, watching me eat. I didn't like the feeling of his eyes on me especially after what he did in the car.

His phone rang and it was Jamal, "Hello, yes she's here sitting opposite me." Jamal said something on the other end of the phone and Riz handed the phone to me. "Hello?" "Hey baby sis, I have some news for you." I felt a sense of joy, maybe he had found out more information on our brother.

"Our brother has tried to contact us but dad stopped him." I was intrigued, "contact us how?" "He wrote us letters and mailed them to our address but dad never let us get them, they must be in the house." I didn't want him going back there alone just incase my dad was lurking around, "if you go can you please go with someone, I don't trust dad."

He agreed to take his friends with him just in case and we said goodbye, I handed Riz's phone back to him and he made some small talk with my brother. After a few minutes their call ended and it was back to silence.

Forty minutes had passed with this silence when Zaid told us the jet was landing. I got up and followed Zaid out to the car. "Zac go with Her in a separate car she doesn't need to be at the meeting with the moltov's." I recognised that name, there was a boy in our school alex moltov, was he apart of the mafia too?

This was so strange. Was everyone at school apart of the mafia not just my friends. "Yes boss." Me and Zac went home and he could see I was feeling down so he played let it go from frozen and screamed it at the top of his lungs.

I started cackling with laughter. We both were laughing all the way home till we reached the house. "Okay firstly Zac amazing singing and secondly how the hell do you know that off by heart." He smiled, "my sister is obsessed with frozen like on a different level, she made me buy her all of the characters dolls from the movie." I smile, "I wish I had another sibling my brother is so boring."

He just made an awkward face and continued driving with music playing faintly. Once we arrived Home i decided me and Zac should watch a movie, "do you want to watch something with me?" He sat next to me and hesitated at first,

"boss is going to kill me for being so cool and chilled out but it's okay right?" I nodded and put on rush hour because I loved that movie and he had never seen it. Half way through the movie the door burst open and I didn't expect what happened to happen next...

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