Chapter eleven

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I smirked but instantly stopped because he was chuckling to himself. Unlike me he was driving fast so we could get there quicker and instead of arriving in three hours we got there in an hour and a half. We arrived in Manchester and he drove up to a house, "I'm not staying here." He looked at me confused, "why what's wrong with our house." I folded my arms and sat silently.

Rizwan got out of the car expecting me to follow him and I didn't. He came to the window and sighed, "fine where do you want to go?" He got back into the car and drove to a lodge hotel. Riz parked the car in the car park, "can we at least go to an expensive one." I shook my head and walked out the car towards the door to go inside.

I walked up to the desk with Rizwan following me and I tapped the bell. A girl around our age walked out slouching and spoke with an annoying tone "welcome to the lodge, how can I help you?" I didn't acknowledge the fact she was staring at Riz, "can we get a room for two please." She nodded and got two keys and then said, "so how long are you staying for?" I thought about it for a second considering I was the one who wanted to come here. "A week please." She nodded, "£200 please." I pulled my phone out but Riz already tapped his phone on the machine.

"Here's your two room keys for room 508." I took both keys and walked towards the elevators as Rizwan followed behind me. We walked into the elevator and stood in an  awkward silence. The elevator stopped on our floor and we walked towards our room. I opened the door and slumped on the bed stomach side down. I kicked off my shoes and closed my eyes.

Rizwan took his blazer, tie and un-buttoned the buttons on his shirt. He took his phone and called someone, "Sam I need comfortable clothes for tonight for me and my friend." I lay there quietly. Thirty minutes later there was knock at the door. "Thanks bro, in a bit." He walked over to the bed and changed his clothes into a t-shirt and some plaid pants.

I felt something thrown at me, "put it on." I rolled over on the bed so I was lying face up. I got up and realised it was only a top, "where's the bottoms?" He turned around smirking, "Sam must've forgotten them." I went in the bathroom and changed into the top and took off my leggings and quickly ran into the bed. While he sat on the chair on his phone.

I went under the covers and closed my eyes hoping I could fall asleep before he came into bed. But he got up two minutes later and lay in the bed next to me. "Goodnight." Rizwan said closing the lights. I laid doing nothing, unable to fall asleep. "Ughhh why can't I sleep." I turned to see Rizwan sleeping. He looked so cute and calm. I got up put on his joggers, took his car keys and went on a drive. I drove to burger and shakes and got a burger and a shake with fries and sweet chilli sauce. I drove back to the lodge after eating in the car.

I went back to the room and I saw Riz on the phone pacing around the room till he saw me. "Where the fuck have you been?" I sat on the bed putting my drink on the table, "calm down I went to get some food because I couldn't sleep." He hung up the phone and got on his knees in front of me,

"why can't you just behave? why do you have to be so difficult? Your the first girl I actually like why can't you get that." He rested his head on my lap and I didn't know what to do, so I brushed my hands through his hair. "I'm sorry, I'll stop we can go back home and I'll listen." He looked up and me and smiled, "let's go to sleep, I'm tired." He got into bed under the covers and and I lay next to him until he turned around and faced me and pulled me in so I was in his arms. He had his arm around my stomach and he was pressed up behind me.

I felt safe his arm around me, we did sleep together before but it was different before. I saw his other arm and I put my hands in his and with his soft touch I fell asleep. I woke up later around 12 pm and I was still in his arms. I got up and stretched which woke Riz up. I went to the bathroom and jumped on top of Rizwan and he screamed, "I'm hungry." I picked up the phone and ask for room service, "hi can I get two stacks of pancakes with Nutella and bananas and two cups of tea. thank you, bye."

I looked at Riz on his phone and he looked stressed, "what's wrong?" He wiped his face with his hand, "nothing, just stuff with work." I stayed silent because I didn't want to annoy him. "So are we going home today?" He got up and nodded, "I have some business I need to sort but since you wanted to stay for longer..." he hesitated and Then spoke "I've got a few weeks left of work and then I've planned a trip for us." I grinned, "where to?" He didn't say anything, "that's need to know information darling." Well played.

After five minutes our breakfast arrived. We sat on the bed together eating our pancakes and drinking our tea. "Are we driving home or do you have some chariot waiting for us." He rolled his eyes laughing, "you ask a lot of questions for someone who is supposed to be quiet. it's up to you, I thought we could drive?" I nodded And we got ready to leave and go back to his house...

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