Chapter seven

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"What are you doing here." She said "I'm coming home." She scoffed, "Your a disgrace to this family, your stuff was taken last week." I never thought I would hear my mum say that. "Mum what are you talking about?" She closed the door, "Zara, I know you called the police on your father, if you come home he is going to beat you so much it will kill you. So get away from here okay, me and your brother are leaving tomorrow." She gave me a kiss on the head and said her last words to me, "call me any time after tomorrow my love, I will see you soon."

I walked outside to see Zac, still waiting I opened the car door and he smiled, "you came back." I sighed rubbing the tears away from my eyes, "Can I stay at yours for tonight?" He was hesitant replying, "you can but boss will kill me." I shook my head, "don't worry he won't." Zac drove for a bit and we reached a small house, I opened the door and we walked towards it. When we got inside Zac helped me to the guest room, "you can sleep here tonight, there's a bathroom just through that door and We can sort something in the morning. Okay?" I nodded and he said 'goodnight' then shut the door.

I got into bed and I fell asleep. In the morning I felt sick to my stomach, I ran to the bathroom I puked. Great. "Zara, you ready to.... Go." He saw me and handed me some tissues, "come on we need to head to the house." I looked down at the floor, "can I just stay here, please?" Zac sighed, "Yes but only until half six then your going back to boss's house okay?" I nodded and gave Zac a hug, "I'm starting to like you more Zac." He smiled and walked out the bathroom down the stairs.

I heard the door shut and went back into the guest room. I snuggled in the blanket and went back to sleep. Later I woke up around five-thirty, I overheard people talking downstairs. I got up and I felt like a spy, I slowly opened the door and leaned against the wall trying to blend in. I sat at the top of the stairs and I heard two voices, "Someone needs to tell her." One man said, "yes but now isn't the right time trust me I will later." Another voice spoke. I felt like I was eavesdropping so I went back in the room.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and I jumped back into bed and pretended to sleep. The door slowly creaked open and I felt a presence walking towards me. A hand moved my hair out of my face and cupped my cheek, "Zara." I didn't move because I knew who it was, "Zara, wake up." I opened my eyes to Riz's face, he looked upset and tired. His eyes heavy, red, and puffy like he had been crying. I could see dried tears on his face. His hair was messed up.

"What do you want? Go back to your fiancé." I tried to turn around and he grabbed me turning me to him. "Zara, this is serious please." He started to shake his hands still gripping me, "Ow, Rizwan your hurting me." He let go and got up, "I'm so sorry, I'll come back later." He turned and tried to walk away, "no wait." He came back and looked down at me, "What were you going to tell me?" He got on his knees, and spoke, "Just don't panic okay." I nodded and he held my hand.

"your mum and brother... are dead." I froze, my blood ran cold, my hands started to shake, I felt like I couldn't breathe, my head started to spin and I started to sob. Riz sat on the bed and took me in my arms as I cried and cried. "It's okay, it's okay." He brushed his hands through my hair. I stopped crying I got up out of his arms, "What am I doing, I need to go see my dad, what about the funeral." I got off the bed and he caught my arm. "Zara wait, your dad..." I looked back my throat felt scratchy, "what? what about my dad?" He pulled me back and sat me down next to him.

"It was your dad." I was so confused, "what do you mean it was my dad." What was he talking about, "your dad... he killed them." I felt dizzy and I was getting really warm, "Ah I can't... I can't breathe." I held my hand on my heart and started to shake again. I felt Riz take me into his arms and he spoke my name, "Zara..." then everything went black.

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