Chapter six

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"So no one at school knows your part of the mafia?" I was sitting next to Riz in bed questioning him, " No babe no one but the people who were at that link up the other day. "I kept asking questions till he got tired, "Okay baby enough questions now, I'm tired let's take a nap?" He took off his shirt and Threw it on his drawer, "Alexa close the curtains and shut the lights."

Riz smirked at me and slowly pulled me towards him without trying to hurt my stomach, I felt safe when I was with Riz like no one could hurt me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep in his arms, I had gotten up around four hours later and Riz was still asleep, "Riz wake up." I said trying to wiggle my way out his grasp, "Rizwan get up." His eyes shot open, "Woman I swear if you call me that again, what's wrong?" I tried sitting up and he helped me up, "I'm hungry." He sighs, "Babe you could've called Zac for that he isn't just your body guard he is your assistant too." I shrugged, "Well I didn't know that and also when can I go back to school" he looked at me, got up and left.

What was that about? I wondered. Five minutes later he came up and had a chicken sandwich in his hand with a drink on the side, "Ma'am, now can I go back to sleep?" he tried laying down and I slapped his arm, "You didn't answer my question about school." He sat still and groaned, "well since your my girlfriend now, your technically in the mafia and people who are in the mafia in most cases don't go to school, I went for you."

I was kind of shocked to hear that, "Okay so I can't go?" He shook his head, "no love you can but I'm saying you don't have to if you don't want to." I nodded my head then the door rang. Riz looked out the window and Looked like he had seen a ghost, "stay here and don't make a sound." I couldn't move anyways I rolled my eyes as he walked out the room, I heard voices then I heard footsteps coming upstairs and the room burst open, "Now who are you?" There was a boy standing at the door he looked a couple of years younger then us, I didn't know what to say, "What is my brother going for mute girls now?" Then another pair of footsteps came up, There was a a woman standing next to the boy and then Riz came behind them, "Zara, meet my mum and my brother Musa.

Riz walked over and sat on the bed next to me holding my hand, "Mum, Musa this is my girlfriend Zara, Now if dad asks she's my wife to be okay." They both nod and then walked out the room, "So my dad is downstairs and he came unexpectedly when he heard I had a girl over, so do you mind pretending your my fiancé just till he leaves?" I pull him closer to me and whisper in his ear, "you know we could just get married for real." I moved away and said "or maybe I'm overreacting." Riz's face lit up, "But we just met, how are you so comfortable with that?"

I held his hand and looked him in his eyes, "Riz I have gone out with a few guys and none of them have ever made me feel the way you do, let's take it slow but I'm not saying we can't be together like that in the future." He gave me kisses and then we got interrupted by a loud voice, "Rizwan!" Riz got up and went downstairs.

I grabbed my jumper and got up slowly, I got a shocking pain to my stomach and I sat and hid at the top of the stairs, "Who is she? Why are you bringing girls home? Have you forgotten about Sara, your fiancé?" I was so confused, "Sara?" I whispered still trying to listen in, "Dad, How many fucking times do I have to say it, SARA IS NOT MY FIANCÉ. I DON'T LOVE HER." Everything went quiet downstairs and His father spoke, "Rizwan khan, you will leave this girl upstairs and Sara is coming over."

I didn't hear anything so I went downstairs slowly, "I think I will be going now." I said my hand on my stomach forcing myself to move, "Zara what are you doing get back upstairs now." I shook my head and Riz'z father looked at me in disgust, "I think it's best you leave young woman." I nodded and headed for the door and Riz jumped in front of me. "Riz move please, my stomachs hurting I need to go home." He shook his head, "no what about your dad, your supposed to be here. I'm not letting you leave." I started to cry "Rizwan please." I grabbed the handle for the door and opened pushing him out the way.

I headed towards the road where Zac was waiting outside the limo, "Zac can you take me home?" He tried to stop me, "but Ma'am Riz..." I sighed with tears rolling down my face, "Zac, if you don't take me I'll walk." He nodded and opened the car door." I saw Riz from the door and he started to walk out, "Zac let's go please." Zac nods and starts to drive away.

I felt frightened the closer we got towards the house. Dad was going to kill me. I opened the door and Zac spoke "Zara are you sure, I can take you somewhere safe." I smiled trying to hide the fact I was scared for my life, "I'll be fine trust me." I walked out the car still holding my stomach and I rang the doorbell and mum answered the door...

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