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"We'll meet you back there soon." Pansy told Luna and Ginny. Once they left Pansy turned to Hermione. "So? Ate you excited to have some proper alone time with your crush?" Pansy asked teasingly. "Yes. But I know nothings gonna happen." Hermione replied with a sigh. "Come on let's go back before Red and Blondie come looking for us." Pansy stated dragging Hermione back down the corridor.

A little while after rejoining their friends the train came to a halt in London. "Come on Mione!" Draco exclaimed as they headed off the train together. They waited to get their trunks before heading over to where Narcissa stood waiting patiently. "Hello Madam Malfoy." Hermione said greeting her. "Oh dear, it's Black now, but do call me Cissy won't you?" Cissy explained. "Of course." Hermione replied with a smile. "Enjoying your final year Hermione?" Cissy asked. "Oh yes I am, although I am looking forward to graduation though." Hermione explained. "Oh? And what are your plans for after graduation?" Cissy asked. "I'm looking into working at the Ministry, perhaps one day running for Minister of Magic." Hermione explained.

Dumbfounded is the only way to describe Narcissa Black's expression. "I think you'll make a fine Minister Hermione, and your husband will be a lucky man." Cissy stated. "Husband...I'm not much for wizards." Hermione said as a blush crept up her neck. "Ah! Well, no harm in that. Between you and I, when Lucious died I experimented with a few witches myself." Cissy replied with a wink just as Draco appeared by their sides. "Mother, Mione? Ready to go?" Draco asked.

"Yes we are. Come, there's a good disapparateion spot just outside here." Cissy stated as she led them out of the station. Once outside the trio turned to go into an alley where they disapparated with a pop! Soon they landed in front of a large manor with rod iron gates that led to a long walk way. "Welcome to Black Manor Mione." Draco stated as they walked through the gates. "Black Manor? Is this your childhood home Cissy?" Hermione asked. "Yes, although we still have Malfoy Manor, it's being worked on by some builder wizards so it's ready for Draco here once he graduates. So in the mean time we live here with my sisters, Bella and Andromeda and Andy's daughter Nymphadora. Or as you two know her Tonks. Now come along, leave your trunks here and our elves will bring them to your rooms, while we go prepare for dinner." Cissy explained with a smile.

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