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Saturday morning came and Hermione hurried around to shower and get dressed for the day. Today she'd be going with Astoria to Hogsmead after breakfast of course, which they decided to have together at the Gryffindor table this time. Hermione stepped out of the portrait to see Astoria standing there waiting on her. "Hey Astoria!" Hermione exclaimed happily. "Hey! Are you ready to go have breakfast?" She asked taking Hermione's hand.

They walked together to the great hall all while holding hands the whole way. "When did Mione and Astoria start dating?" Ron asked. "Since Thursday afternoon." Harry replied. "Oh....well...huh!" Ron replied as the girls sat down together. "Hey guys!" Ginny called out. "Hey Gin!" They both exclaimed as their plates appeared in front of them causing everyone to begin eating. Meanwhile up at the high table sat a very pissed off looking Bella who was glaring Hermione getting all cozy with Astoria. "What's the matter Bella? Has your new pet gone astray? Or has your drunken night with the Trelawney got you in trouble with her?" Severus whispered. "Both! She and Pansy caught us mid shag in the corridor during their rounds. Needles to say she hasn't spoken to me only when I ask her something in class. The rest of the time it's been radio silence!" Bella grumbled under her breath.

Meanwhile everyone else was finishing up their breakfasts and preparing themselves to go to Hogsmead. "What happened to the person you were seeing?" Astoria asked. "She cheated on me." Hermione replied softly as they continued walking down the path. "Oh Mione! I'm so sorry! I'd never do something like that to you!" Astoria replied as she kissed Hermione on the cheek. "Thank you for that Astoria, so where would you like to go first?" Hermione asked. "Hmm...how about we walk around for a bit, then get some lunch, and maybe some sweets for later." Astoria replied with a smile. "Sounds good with me!" Hermione replied as they made their way through the small village.

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