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A month had passed since Bella saw Hermione with Astoria and now she was falling deeper into her depression. When she wasn't teaching she lay in bed and sobbed into her pillow. That's how the days went until one day hearing enough of her sisters sobbing through the fireplace Cissy took it upon herself to get Andy and go to the castle and make their sister spill everything to them. "Bellatrix Black! Get your ass out of that bed immediately!" Andy shouted as she stepped through the fire place. "Mhmughmm!" Was the sound that came from Bella who lay face down on the bed. "See! She's been like that for weeks!" Cissy added as she slumped down into a chair. "What happened? Why were you with that nutty woman?" Andy demanded answers.

"It's not like that...she put a strong love potion in my tea at dinner that night....it began wearing off when they came across me and Trelawney...I tried to explain to her but she ran off with Pansy...and...well now she's with the Greengrass girl." Bella explained. "So the nut job drugged you...then Hermione dumped you? Sounds reasonable. Have you tried talking to her as of late?" Andy asked. "Who Hermione or Trelawney?" Bella asked. "HERMIONE! You idiot! I swear...you may have been the smartest witch of your age but you're really dumb sometimes!" Andy groaned.

"And what am I supposed to say? Beg for her forgiveness? Grovel at her feet? Tell her that Trelawney drugged me?" Bella asked. "Yes...that is a start..." Andy replied. "She won't even speak to me! She only answers questions I ask her something in class. Outside of class shes surrounded by her friends and Astoria! Hell my own bloody niece has taken their side after seeing them in the three broomsticks together! Merlin! I can't win for trying!" Bella exclaimed as she sobbed into her hands. "Where is she now?" Cissy asked. "I think she's in the library or something...I don't know..." Bella sobbed. "Stay here! I'll go find Hermione and talk to her." Cissy stated as she left the room.

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