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An hour or so later the two seventh years emerged from the library with their homework completed. "Don't you feel better?" Hermione asked. "Oh yea Granger...all my homework is done...I feel so wonderful!" Draco replied rolling his eyes at her.  "Wait till we get back to school! I'll have everyone studying for their N.E.W.T.S." Hermione replied as they headed upstairs to put their stuff away.

Upon returning downstairs the teens were informed that after dinner they would be getting fitted for the Christmas party that would happen in two days on Christmas Eve. "Ok mum. We'll be ready." Draco stated. "Good. Don't worry Hermione I picked out several styles of dresses for you to choose from." Cissy stated. "Oh good, I look forward to trying them all on." Hermione replied. "Good! Did you two get your homework done?" Cissy asked. "Yes mum! Hermione wouldn't let me leave till it was all done." Draco whined. "Well she's just being a good friend Draco." Andy stated.

"We need more boys in this bloody family! It's not fair having my best mate and my family ganging up on me." Draco said with a sigh as he disappeared into another room. Before he could completely disappear everyone burst out in laughter at his reaction. "Hey Mione? Care for a game of exploding snap?" Dora asked breaking the laughter. "Sure!" Hermione replied as she followed Dora into the living room.

As the two younger witches left Bella came out looking for Hermione. "She's with Dora playing exploding snap." Andy said. "Oh...ok I've picked my dress for the party." Bella added. "Oh? What color are you going with?" Andy asked. "Deep green with a silver sparkles added in." Bella stated. "Well I'm sure Hermione will love it." Cissy stated with a smirk.

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