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Living in hell! That's how Bella described it being away from the brunette witch. Sure she messed up. But this was ridiculous! She needed Hermione in her life. Now she was watching from the distance as she began dating a Slytherin girl. She should be ok with it because of the large age gap but she wasn't. She knew she'd just have to wait until after graduation now or longer to get back in Hermione's good graces. She'd wait forever if she had to. Sighing to herself she went back to preparing for the examinations she had in a few days.

The friend group had been studying everyday and all day on the weekends. No matter if it was in the library, room of requirement or at the three broomsticks. They studied and studied and studied. "Two more days and this hell will begin." Pansy groaned as she shoveled some fish and chips into her mouth. "I know!" Everyone else groaned. "Then it's freedom!" Draco cheered. "That's till we three start the academy for Aurors." Harry stated with a grin. "Don't remind us Potter!" Draco grumbled. "Guys! Stop! Studying to do!" Pansy snapped at everyone. "Geesh! Pansy chill!" Hermione exclaimed. Everyone shut up at that point and continued going over everything again.

A few hours later everyone was back in the castle entrance. "Ok! So here's the plan! No more studying! No more talking about it! No more anything to do with this! There's only two days till exam time so I want everyone to relax. So now go get changed because it's Friday night and I'm planning on having the elves bring some butter beer and food to..." Hermione paused as a professor passed them. "To you know where. So be there at seven. We'll spend the night in there and go back to our dorms tomorrow morning. Ok?" Hermione asked looking at everyone. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Ok! See you all later." Hermione replied as they went their separate ways.

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