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After breakfast ended McGonagall cornered Hermione to ask her to help chaperone the first Hogsmead weekend this year. "Of course! I don't mind at all Professor." Hermione replied. "Oh thank you!" McGonagall replied with a smile. Hermione hurried off to her classroom to get ready for her first class. As classes were half way through instead of heading to the hall she decided to sit in her classroom to eat. She had papers to grade anyways, so it made sense.

Bella was on her way to the hall when she saw Hermione sitting in her classroom all alone. Knocking on the door she got motioned inside by Hermione. "You ok Hermione?" Bella asked. "Oh...yea I'm fine..just got grading to do so I figured I'd stay in and eat here. You can join me if you like." Hermione replied. "Uh...sure..." Bella replied as she pulled up a chair beside the desk. "Miss Granger called for me?" The house elf asked. "Yes! I'd like an order of fish and chips and whatever Professor Black wants." Hermione replied.

A few minutes later their food arrived and the two witches began eating their meal. "So what did McGonagall want?" Bella asked. "To see if I'd help chaperone the first trip to Hogsmead. Of course I agreed...because it'll give me a chance to stock up on butter beers and get some candy to have on hand." Hermione replied. "I see. I'll be there with you. Although I'll be stocking up on fire whiskey instead." Bella replied.

"I never could get a liking to that stuff. but I stocked up on some elvish wine and muggle scotch before coming back here." Hermione replied. "Who knew Hermione Granger would grow up to be a scotch drinker!" Bella teased. "I know right...one third of the golden trio drinks muggle scotch and elvish wine. And has a terrible sweet tooth too." Hermione replied with a smile.

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